Stay Positive!
Female 76 years old Buhl, Idaho United States
Arcade Champs: 0
Profile Views: 1700
    [ 1731 ]
Referrals: 0 Who referred me: Lizzie
07/22/2012 15:45:12 |
Blockbusters, Biblical, Sci Fi, Anything far out, Raiders of the Lost Ark and Wizard of Oz
Oldies, smooth jazz, 70's rock, Broadway tunes

King, Koontz, Steel, Dan Brown, Sylvia Browne, Ivanovich

Fried chicken,popcorn and watermelon
This is the cover of my first book. It's about paranormal experiences. Let me know if you want an autographed copy for $12.95 and $2.40 shipping.
I'm a substitute teacher for Middle and High schools. I have two grown sons and two grandsons.

Exercise, gardening, Red Hat Society, reading, writing, walking, entering contests, word games, travel

Political discussions, negative thinking, closed-mindedness.

Red Hat Society, Tai Chi, Geo-caching, dancing, dollhouse miniatures, ghost hunting, anything paranormal

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