Female 80 years old United States
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Jun 19 2012, 11:00 pm by Chris
May 26 2012, 11:33 pm by Chris
Seafood is on top of the list but I can't think of food I don't like except maybe rice.
I am on the lung transplant list at Johns Hopkins as of 9/18/09
Keep me in your thoughts...
I had my double lung transplant on 1/26 and I'm doing well so far. I'm home since 2/17 but the real work begins now to jiggle medications, keep appointments and tests.
My muscles have deteriorated in the hospital and need to be buildt up again. The Hospital ordered in-house physical therapy and I am working on it.
I'm looking forward to Spring and will enjoy it in a new way.
Spring is finally here and I am doing well. The world looks much different from 4 weeks ago when I came home. I can breathe well and it still is quite a novelty. I can do things for myself I have not been able to do in about 2 years. My friends have discovered that I am quite a talker and also have a fairly strong voice...
My legs and muscles are better but need much more work. I have started rehab and will be back in shape soon.
My new lungs are working fine and I am enjoying my new "lease on life".
I just got "mobile" when I severely bumped my foot a month ago. The first week it was just black & blue and swollen. Of course I could neither walk well nor fit in a shoe!
After a week it started looking nasty and I had to call Hopkins since my immune system is so supressed from meds. I wound up two days in the hospital for tons of tests and then had the top of my foot cut open. Alas, no infection but a huge blood clod. It was all cleaned out and here I am... still with an open wound that needs to heal slowly from inside out - and it is doing it very s-l-o-w-l-y! I have one pair of sandals I can get into.
I am in rehab now and eventually my muscles will be good again. This "foot" thing really set me back...
My wound on my foot finally closed recently. It is still somewhat tender and limits what kind of shoes I can wear. I walk well tough and finally retired Stick and Limo (cane and wheelchair).I am doing well now and hope no more mishaps come my way.
Tuesday, May 10. 2016
This is a long overdue update; I can't believe so much time has passed already. I had my 6th transplant anniversary (1/26/16) and I'm doing well. Life is fairly normal for me, I live pretty much for "now" and not too far into the future. However, I still buy green bananas, LOL.
I go for monthly (sometimes more) lab work and to Hopkins every three month for tests and check-up. There is no boredom in our retirement! My husband handles my medications and is with me every step of the way, we make a great team. Things have been steady for me, no major problems. According to my medical team I'm doing fantastic, better than average. Of course, I have nothing to compare this to and rely on what they tell me.
There is no concern about rejection anymore, now it is "keeping on top of side effects". I'm taking a lot of medication and so far everything is still going well. I follow their orders to a "t" and I believe that is why I'm doing well. Once a year I have every test they can think of and it is always good to know that everything is fine. I consider myself an expensive race car with a specialist for every part...
The anti-rejection medication shuts down the insulin production and diabetes is also a side effect of the transplant. It is no big deal considering the alternative. My immun system is kept low and I have to watch out for myself. So far I have not have any respiratory problems or colds. I keep my shots up to date every year and LIFE IS GOOD...
I was born in Germany
I am disabled; married over 40 years, we have two children, one granddaughter, three granddogs and two grandcats.
Hummingbirds, spending time with my husband
phony people, cold weather