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78 years old
Galena, Kansas
United States

Arcade Champs: 0
Profile Views: 2909
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Referrals: 1

Profile Views: 2910

JOB: Medical
RELIGION: Protestant
MEMBER SINCE: 12/31/2008
STAR SIGN: Aquarius
LAST LOGIN: 08/10/2015 19:56:32

By Charles Dickens

The pure, the bright, the beautiful
That stirred our hearts in youth:
The impulses to wordless prayer,
The streams of love and truth:
The longing after something lost,
The spirit's yearning cry:
The striving after better hopes-
These changes never die.

The timid hand stretched forth to aid
A brother in his need:
A kindly word in griefs dark hour
That proves a friend indeed:
The plea for mercy softly breathed
When justice threatens high:
The sorrow of contrite heart-
These things shall never die.

Let nothing pass, for every hand
Must find some work to do:
Lose not a chance to waken love:
Be firm and just and true:
So shall a light cannot fade
Beam on thee from high,
And angel voices say to thee-
“These things shall never die.”

My favorite foods are sweets and that is a big problem. I do like such things as hamburgers, mexican foods, and casseroles, Of course everything has to be washed down with a diet Pepsi.
However now that I have to watch my diet, I cannot eat all the things I loved to eat. This doesn't keep me from having favorites though.


I add graphics of the elderly and attempt to make them light hearted,active,enjoying older age and to represent aging is not an end, but that aging can be a beginning of a different time in their lives,just as the seasons. Although growing old is a part of life, I don't think that anyone has to face it without having fun, active time and the opportunity to enjoy things that when they were busy working, raising children, they did not have time to do.
It is amazing to me that the people of yesterday worked so hard to survive, they were resilent. I do not want anyone to forget where we came from in this nation. We worked hard and asked no one for help. The government did not give us a free ride and the American people did not expect one. Our forefathers built this nation by working from day light to dark. This page has been designed to show "TIME" as I remember it, from my childhood on my grandparents place in Oklahoma and over the years.The good old days.
We lived a simple life, I however think that I have had a wonderful life and I thank my wonderful mom and dad for the lessons I learned.

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I was born in Tahlequah Oklahoma, I am part Cherokee Indian, but unable to prove the heritage
I have two children, two grandchildren and am married to a wonderful man. We have been married 25 years. He is a retired Navy Submariner.

Freddie Leroy Harper, US Navy
I am a nurse and a nursing home administrator, I love my job and the people I take care of on a daily basis. I see joy in those people that have been on this earth for many years. I learn daily from them and feel that God put me on his great earth to care for the elderly as they pass through the winter of their lives. My aim is to make that part of their life happy and to maintain their dignity by allowing them to teach me something new daily.

I love genealogy and realizing that I have some pretty amazing stories to learn from those that came before me. I enjoy turning over a new ancestor by a click of the mouse. I like to visit cemeteries and find family or just to look at the names of those there and wonder what type of lives they lived. I started the long trek to my family history in 2001 and I have found so much information and now am able to know where our family started. I have met long lost cousins, and found the resting places of my grandparents, found pictures of grandparents, seeing me in them. I grew up not knowing my dad's side of the family and it has been wonderful finding them, hearing stories and it has been a wonderful trip. I love the South, Tennessee to be exact, it being the state where both sides of my ancestors lived, loved and raised their children.

The picture above is the house that my gg-grandparents lived in many years ago. Their graves are located in the yard. This is a wonderful memory of my genealogy travels.

I do not like needy people or people that are whiners, that blame everyone else for their problems. Those that do not attempt to better themselves.
I dislike people that hurt others for the fun of it or because the other person does not think or do as they do.I dislike the fact that the criminals have rights and the innocent must suffer. I hate the fact that I lost my best friend, my dad in September 2004.
I've been told that this site is patriotic. I have always felt as if I were a good American, but after September 11th, I felt that I should be more concerned with " WHO " I am. I am a person who is proud to be an American, to be free, to be able to put this information and to fly these colors on a place such as the internet. Just think of those people that are unable to be themselves. In fear of retaliation in forms of mental, physical,or even death. Can all people show their religion? No. We can. There are such a wide varity of folks here. That's because we are Americans or people from countrys that so far are free to do it. Remember that. I do.

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In honor of my mother that passed away this year. This will be our first Christmas without her. Miss you mom.

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