Office Worker - Semi Retired
Female 74 years old YORK Australia
Arcade Champs: 0
Profile Views: 1521
[ 56 ]
05/20/2010 22:28:24 |
Somethings Got to Give
Steel Magnolias
Something to Talk About
Deep Impact
Star Wars
There are heaps of movies that I really enjoy also TV
Shows - Northern Exposure & As Time Goes By, Doc Martin and the new series of Battlestar Galactica
Lots - Cher, Dione Warwick, some country & blue grass, 70 & 80's hits & much more.
The Mars Trilogy-Red Mars, Green Mars, Blue Mars.
The Magician series including Daughter of the Empire etc.
Communion, Majestic
I like green, blue....all the cool easy to live with colours of nature.
No real favorites, like a variety of good wholesome foods like roasts, stews, stirfrys, salads. Italian, Greek & some good old fashioned Scottish recipes handed down from my family.
Big happenings....have now sold the farm and moved into a rental while I build my new house on about 1 1/4 acre semi rural block in Albany right at the bottom of Western Australia. The weather is much cooler and much more rain....should be good for my future vegi garden. At the moment I'm getting out there looking for a new job...need the money as I'll need lots of bits and pieces for this new house.
I'm fairly quite, but love a good chat. Up until the 2nd March I lived on a small acreage with a few retired cows & sheep and have a small grove of olive trees after having given up driving haul trucks (9 years in Telfer Gold Mine & a year in Argyle Diamond Mine). Together with my sister we make olive oil soaps from the oil produced from our grove. At the moment we still make the soaps from our oil stocks, but will be looking for a local supply of oil around Albany. I also worked part time for a farm consultancy business which I liked and found interesting. York winters are cool and the summers very hot. Each year they seem to be getting hotter and more humid. WA was always known as a dry mediterranean climate, however that may be changing as global warming takes a hold....I hope not! Anyway that is one of the reasons that we moved south.
I prefer wide open spaces and rolling hills.
I love gardens & gardening when time permits.
I'm a softy with animals.
I like relaxing and chatting with friends.
Movies with good stories. I do enjoy good SciFi.
I enjoy a quiet country lifestyle.
I loved driving 150tonne haul trucks.
Going for long drives.
bad manners & arrogance
heavy metal music
global warming
tele marketers
wool crafts
Olive grove & products
gardening - a little
Trying to make exercise a hobby with difficulty.
Would like to do a lot more, but there is just not enough hours in the day.