Sabbatical-coming to an end.
Female 98 years old Nanton Alberta Canada
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 [ 128 ]
08/24/2013 21:57:26 |
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Old ones---mystery-- and home life. Also "Ancestors in your attic"--there is always something there to interest anyone interested in Genealogy.
Semi Classical,listening to hymns and soft piano music. Loved my fathers violin.
Wont object to a lively Irish song.Actually I don't mind old time western music--depending on who does the singing and accompaniment.
I think I like history the best.I love the stories of "The Old Days". History written in story form. I
get lost in the days of King Arthur for instance.
Blue or maybe burgundy, or maybe pink Oh dear I like them all.
I try to avoid cholesterol and saturated fat.
Oh how I love some foods.I'm doing pretty good at behaving myself. Eating out is the best.
Haven't tried it yet--- Another thing for the future.
I have taken so much time off from NOTH --I must let those interested that my Family History is coming along---slowly---.Just when I think I am reaching the end I get more information --- then have to try to fit it in somewhere. I have come to the conclusion that I have to call a hault to all research. Wish me luck. AND-- may I speed along.
My husband and I have been married for fifty-six years. We have two girls who have presented us with three grandchildren and two great grandchildren- most of them are fully grown now.Our oldest daughter lives in the North West Territories and our youngest lives near Edmonton Alberta. We live in Southern Alberta.
I am writing my Dad's family history It is a bigger job than I thought it would be but it is most enjoyable.I enjoy researching better than writing.(May it soon be finished)
People, Genealogy research, "Writing" with my computer.NOTH and Cloud EIGHT
Being interrupted when I am speaking. AND trying to make out what others are saying-- when everyone is talking at once.
I found a plaque that says
Well now the present one is Genealogy but I also repair dolls, I did china paint-- but am too busy now. ---I suppose it is a hobby -----to spoil our grand and great grand- children.
Cleaning out the "stuff" I need to get rid of.Mostly hobbies.
DonnaMaeC has 10 friend(s)