Female 69 years old Florida United States
Arcade Champs: 0
Profile Views: 1200
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Christian - other |
10/15/2010 16:02:36 |
My two favorite movies are Gone with the Wind and Out of Africa. I like a majority of movies out there, but I'm not really fond of scary movies at all. I really enjoy the BBC movies that take place in England during the 1700-1800's.
My friends say that I'm stuck in a Disco Time Warp. Seems that the majority of my favorite songs are from the 1970's. But that's not totally true. I like a lot of songs from the 1960's and 1980's too. I like and appreciate different music, but I really don't care for country music. I need happy, fast tunes. Something that makes me want to put the top down on a car and cruise down the highway.
It goes without saying that I read my Holy Bible every night like my Grandma taught me to do. Would you believe she is still alive (99 years young) & always asks me if I'm reading my Bible!!!
I tend to gravitate to biographies, instructional books (think Home Depot, etc), interior decorating, cookbooks. I read several magazines regularly. I love Southern Living, Southern Lady and Traditional Home. They are my absolute favorite magazines.
I love steak, shrimp, lobster. Most of the expensive stuff it seems. But I also love things like homemade chicken & noodles, fried eggs, grits, bacon. Most of the cheap stuff that's not so good for you. Oh well, such is life!
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