Female 81 years old Pennsylvania United States
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Profile Views: 3575
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01/13/2011 07:46:14 |
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Romance - Danielle Steel,Nora Roberts
Suspense - Sidney Sheldon
Below are some great links to Patriotic websites. All of you John Wayne fans will enjoy the first one. Check them out in honor of our troops.
Armed Forces Tribute
Please click on the links below:
It will take you to a site
where you can send a message
to our troops to show
your support and appreciation for their service.
Lets Say Thanks
Any Soldier
Please see my Flight 93 Crash Site Memorial Blog
This is a memorial to a beautiful American Hero
Nicole Miller Memorial
Thank You Soldiers
Thank you for defending me
and the land in which we live
my freedom is protected
by the blood you soldiers give
my child will have a future now
and she can live in peace
because you paid the price for us
the ultimate gift indeed
You are defenders of this nation
and keepers of my rights
I bow my head and pray for you
that you'll come back alive
I cannot express my gratitude
or the pride inside of me
To know that I'm protected
by soldiers I can't see
Kathy Lynne Gatlin
© 2003
Fudge Brownies - No. 1
Lobster,Shrimp,Steak,Stuffed Shells,Ice cream/Chocolate Almond Fudge
Pretty much anything that has the word fudge in it.
I love spending time with my family and going to my grandchildren’s school and sporting events.
I enjoy cooking and trying out new recipes and having friends over for dinner.
Travel is something a really enjoy and wish I could do more of it.
During football and hockey season, you won't find me far from my TV, rooting on my Pittsburgh Steelers and Pittsburgh Penguins.
People who are dishonest, rude, arrogant,and have negative attitudes. People that pull out in front of you when driving, and then go five miles an hour.
Gardening,and Walking
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