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69 years old
Tacoma, Washington
United States

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JOB: Retired
RELIGION: Christian - other
MEMBER SINCE: 05/10/2008
LAST LOGIN: 04/04/2024 00:14:11

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Apr 04 2023, 12:26 am by GinaPA
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Oct 06 2009, 8:49 am by GinaPA
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AIRPLANE: I LOVED the first "AIRPLANE movie. I've seen it sooooooo MANY times, but each time I see it, I laugh as hard as I did the first time! Lloyd Bridges was hilarious!

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OLDIES--50's, 60's rock 'n roll, do-wop and 70's classic rock; Elvis, Beatles, Stones; Petty, Springsteen, Billy Joel!

Mostly NON-FICTION--self-help, spiritual, American history, religions, biographies, and "The Secret". I also read the Bible daily.

If you've never read 'THE SHACK', do yourself a favor and GET THIS BOOK! The spiritual lesson on forgiveness, as well as looking into our personal views about God and our relationship with Him, are incredible! You'll really enjoy it, no matter what your religious affiliation is. I can guarantee you WILL get a LOT out of this book.

I'd also highly recommend reading '29 GIFTS'

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Myspace Funny Picture Comments



PIEROGI (REAL homemade ones--not frozen)!




Schwan's Double Chocolate Ice Cream Bars
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THE PHILLIES PHANATIC (No--it's not me, honest)! The Phanatic was voted the best MLB mascot AGAIN in 2023!! Hopefully you had a chance to see him in action. If not, GO!.....

animal ribbon

smile poem

I've missed everyone here at NOTH. I've had 2 surgeries in 2017 and the surgeon messed me up even worse. My spine has gotten worse over the course of the past 7 years. Now I'm dealing with 4 loose screws in the hardware that extends from my head into my upper back. I'm so glad I finally got the chance to check in while I'm waiting to hear from a surgeon.

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I don't 'twit' anymore since Elon took over. However, if you'd like to hook up with me on Facebook, my username is 'Gina Drosdak Gillespie Robertshaw'! Yes--it's a LONG name. But people I knew from school only knew my maiden name. My friends out west knew me only by my last name 'Gillespie'. Then I remarried and my name for the last 30+ years is 'Robertshaw'. Using all of my surnames has helped people find me, so I need to continue using them all!

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Welcome! Forgive me yet AGAIN for not being here much and for not replying to messages and comments...I have many problems with my cervical and lumbar spine and unfortunately, new problems crop up all the time.

NEW: I'm sorry I don't get to visit NOTH very often and my page is obviously not very current and is in desperate need of updating. I'm hoping I can slowly get to doing some of this as the weeks go on.

In the meantime, please know that I still think of my NOTH friends and I'm hoping to get back here again soon.

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I'm still learning a lot these days, not only about my family but about history, as well. Smileycons!

I've been delving into my Lemko heritage for quite some time now, which you'll read about in another section. Sadly, because all Rusyns (Lemkos, Boykos, and Hutsuls) never had their own country and have always been ruled by whatever country had control of their land at any given time, too many Rusyns (not Russian!) have no idea they are Rusyn or where their families came from. Even those who have heard the term 'Rusyn' at some point in their lives mistakenly think it means 'Russian.' It doesn't. Many Rusyns believe they are Slovak, Ukrainian, Russian, and even Polish because Rusyns DID come from present-day Slovakia, Western Ukraine, and SE Poland. We also share many of the same customs. However, Slovaks are Western Slavs and Rusyns are Eastern Slavs, which makes them 2 very different ethnicities. Basically, in the case of Rusyns never having their own country, nationality became confused with ethnicity. This is a short synopsis of Rusyns, but if anyone visiting my page has relatives who came from the Carpathian Mountain region in SE Poland, NE Slovakia, or Western Ukraine and thinks they may be Rusyn, please feel free to contact me. Perhaps we can get a group going to help educate other Rusyns. Most Rusyns came to the US between the mid-1800s to 1914, and if you have any relatives who do--or had--belonged to the 'Onion' Churches (Byzantine Catholic or Russian Orthodox), we should talk because you just may be Rusyn!
Feel free to contact me at Gina.Philsphan@gmail.com for more information.

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Flash Clocks, Hearts Clocks at WishAFriend.com

I never know what to say about myself, but I'll try...
I'll be 69 in a few months. My husband Jack passed away in 2019 after 28 years of marriage.

I grew up in the Coal Regions of Eastern PA. I left Pennsylvania at age 20 and was gone for about 11 years. Most of that time was spent living in Tacoma, WA, except for 1-1/2 years when my job gave me the opportunity to work in San Jose, CA. I also spent a short time in Texas. Unfortunately, my first husband didn't like CA--so we left, but eventually returned to Tacoma. Fast forward a few years to when I went back to PA with my 2 teenage sons in August of '86, after having divorced and put on disability for my spine problems. Unfortunately, within a week of moving back there, I knew I made a HUGE mistake. It worked out well for my boys though, going through high school in a small town, so I'm sure it was meant to be. I always asked God to direct me in doing what was best for my boys and I trust that He did just that. My oldest son later became the high school principal for the local school district.

As I mentioned, I've been on disability since 1986--I've had more surgeries and procedures in my neck and lower back than I care to count! But I was able to go back to work 3 different times through the years. I'm a retired domestic violence/sexual assault counselor, legal advocate, and Program Coordinator.

OK, I'll quit whining now and move on...


CAREER--I am a former domestic violence/sexual assault counselor, program coordinator, and acting director. I had been in sales and customer service for years before that. I even dug ditches and laid conduit for the Army Corp of Engineers for a short time--when I was much younger, of course! People are a little shocked when they hear this because I'm only 4'9" and weigh less than 90 lbs! I was very fortunate to have a father who taught me that being a girl (even a tiny one), was NEVER an excuse for not being able to do something; and I was always a firm believer that 'Whether you think you can or think you can't--you're right!' My Dad died when I was just 17, but in that short time, he somehow managed to teach me what I'd need to know to be able to handle what the future would bring.

My Mom died in 2002 at 81 years old. She's one reason I'm glad I went back to PA. My oldest son and his 'Baba' had the chance to become very close--and that alone was a good enough reason for going back East.




SPORTS--most of them:


MySpace Comments
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FOOTBALL: The ONLY good thing about the end of summer!! I love the Pittsburgh STEELERS and the PENN STATE Nittany Lions.




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LIVER and BROCCOLI--I could live until, well, forever, and STILL NEVER like either one!!

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DOMESTIC VIOLENCE--As a former DV counselor, I feel that anyone who can hurt a family member and not get help is pathetic. Most women don't stay in abusive relationships because they aren't smart enough to leave (I say women because 95% of survivors are female; but there are men who live with abuse as well who are in need of help)--they stay because they aren't familiar with the dynamics involved in this dysfunctional family. Studies have found that once they learn about the dynamics, they become empowered, and MOST survivors DO leave!

So if you, or anyone you know, are in this dire situation, PLEASE contact your nearest DV agency. Most organizations offer individual counseling and/or support groups where survivors can learn the dynamics and become empowered--and change their lives for the better--forever. If you think I can help, please yell!

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ANIMAL ABUSERS--With all the pet drop-off facilities across the country, there is NO reason to ever abuse a defenseless animal. We are supposed to be caretakers on this planet!

Laws need to get MUCH tougher in our country regarding abusers--abusers of people AND animals. We need to make ALL abusers accountable.

stop cruelty to animals

Sorry...I tend to get on my soapbox once in a while when it comes to causes I care about, and these causes are VERY important to me.

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OOPS--I almost forgot....I also hate SPIDERS--ALL BUGS, actually. The only good bug is a dead bug (I apologize to any entomologists out there)

EGG ART. Although I can no longer work with eggs because of my neck, I created real eggshell boxes, dioramas, ornaments, etc.--basically 'Fabrege-style' egg art. I miss it terribly. I've added a few old pictures of some eggs in my gallery. They are old photos, taken with my very first digital camera back in 1997--at a time when my eggs were much cruder as well! But it will give you an idea of the type of egg crafting I do. Hopefully I will get some newer pictures uploaded soon.

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I also read TAROT CARDS. I realize this can make some people uncomfortable, and some even believe you can't be Christian and do this. But if you understood the history of the cards, you'd know that everything we were told really doesn't make sense. The way the cards work is "natural"--NOT "SUPERnatural." They do NOT predict the future--only God knows this! Think of it this way...Most of what happens tomorrow is based on the choices and actions we make (or don't make) today! The cards act more like weather reports--meteorologists "predict" what the weather will be tomorrow--based on what's going on in the skies today; Or...if we fail a test tomorrow, it's usually because we didn't study today! The cards show us what we already know--although not always consciously--which is why they may appear to be mystical. And truthfully, even though they're not mystical, they can help us plan a happier future by bringing our desires from our unconscious into our conscious. We humans are very 'image oriented,' and the pictures relate to events going on in our lives today. Carl Jung, probably the most famed psychiatrist after Freud, actually based the theory of 'synchronicity' on the Tarot and the Chinese I-Ching.

That's it--no more and no less!!

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GENEALOGY:I am getting more information all the time about my Carpatho-Rusyn heritage. Although my 4 grandparents were Lemkos (a subgroup of Rusyns) and lived in fairly close proximity to each other, the area my paternal grandparents came from is currently located in present-day SE Poland. Unfortunately, my paternal grandparents died years before I was born and my Dad died when I was just 17. My maternal grandparents died when I was only 6 and 14. I didn't appreciate my heritage when those who could have provided information were still alive and I have no information, photos, or memorabilia for either side of my family. My Mom was one of the younger siblings and didn't know--or couldn't remember--much about her parents' lives. So, it's taking some time and effort to learn who I am! Hopefully my children will want to know about the maternal side of their family someday and will appreciate the information I am gathering.
jak sie masz

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Hmmm, I see I rambled on--AGAIN!!!!

I'll let you go now. I hope you'll come back and visit again soon!


Displaying 3 out of 3 comments
05/02/2023 09:47:55

My layout on my page is preset from kne of our members here..Negliea..she has an array of designs with codes, so easy to cut and paste into the css box here. Sometimes, I will do a layout of my own, but it's a very long process. Currently on vacation at the beach. Enjoy the new week -:)

04/29/2023 21:51:29

Enjoyed getting to know you here as you gave such information..paints a picture of beauty indeed. Been here at NOTH too since 2008. Wishing you a wonderful 2023. Please keep in touch..

07/10/2021 12:56:00

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