Female 81 years old Ohio United States
Arcade Champs: 0
Profile Views: 1288
[ 11 ]
09/27/2016 22:55:05 |
Was found in Riga, Latvia the age 6 or 9 months at the railroad station. Real parents un-known. Ended in Prien A Chiemsee, Germany. Later sent to orphanage at the age of 6. Went from orphanage to orphaned till I came to the US in 1951. Then adopted.
So---my home town always will be "Prien A Chiemsee", Germany.
As for my religion--I will always have Catholic in my heart. But forever a Lutheran.
Soon as it warm enough to be out, that is where I am. Messing in my flower beds or whatever. Inside is not my thing.
Cross word, only easy ones.
Since I can't ski, snow ski that is, any more I take time to quilt crib blankets.
Camping is out now, sold our 5th wheel. So we hotel it. Not the best--and I do like to embroidery and crochet, which I take with me all times just in case I have to sit and wait.
Most of all watching grandson with all his sports activity.
GramCracker has 2 friend(s)