Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value. ~ Albert Einstein
Male 81 years old Springfield, Missouri United States
Arcade Champs: 0
Profile Views: 1273
[ 98 ]
Christian - other |
03/06/2012 10:23:08 |
The Passion of Christ
Raiders of the Lost Ark
Tom Hanks' Movies - BIG, Saving Private Ryan
Home Alone
Custom Myspace Clock
I use Slacker and Pandora Radio and listen to smooth jazz. My favorite radio stations are Michael Buble'.
I love all kinds of Christain Music.
My favorite musician is my wife.(Church Pianist & vocalist!)
For enjoyment:Mostly Christian authors such as Max Lucado, Tommy Tenney, Frank Peretti, Selwyn Hughes, Chonda Pierce, Beth Moore
Study: Various Bible Translations, Bible study references and materials.
I use and recommend "e-Sword the Sword of the LORD with an electronic touch" It is free!
BBQ - especially ribs
Bandana's BBQ
Dave's BBQ
My home grilled or smoked BBQ
Fried catfish
Retired from US Postal Service. Married to my beautiful wife for 34 years. We have one son and 4 grandchildren which are the pride of my life!
We are very involved in our church. Cathy teaches preschoolers at our Preschool and Daycare Center and firt grade in Sunday School. I teach a home Bible Study Class.
Cathy and I are both preacher's kids and I serve as President of Preacher's Kids International which is a group for Adult Preacher's and Missionary's Kids from around the globe. We have a website at

I love Cloudeight Infoave Premium! I have been reading, using and recommending Cloudeight resources for many years.
Shopping - stores and Internet
Bible Study
Walking our dogs
Baseball - St Louis & Springfield Cardinals

GrampaTom has 15 friend(s)