Listening for the background music..
Female 80 years old southwest Arkansas, Arkansas United States
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11/16/2012 05:04:22 |
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Jul 04 2008, 8:22 am by Hart
Jul 04 2008, 7:27 am by Hart
Funny movies, and naturally chick flicks..
Love the docomentaries too..John Adams this last winter on HBO was great..! Anything with Tom Hanks, or Meg Ryan..
Almost everything, except country. Country makes me cry...ha,ha,ha...or think that I'm in love..either way it's dangerous.. =)
Now, Willie, is a whole different story. I love Willie...
I have read the series about Savanna Ga and the war Eugenia Price.. again this comes from the interest in the 18th century dance class/re-enactments.. just found the books by Phillipa Gregory about the Boleyn's that I'm gonna start reading..hopefully won't loose my head over those..ha,ha...
Gosh, that's hard to say.. It changes with the seasons, reasons, and mood.. =)
I love food..! I eat pretty healthy most of the know, whole grain bread, veggies, chicken/fish.. but I sure don't turn down the offer of some tempting meal or treats.
Ice cream,chocolate,pizza,crawdads,...
the list could go on and on..
I've been part of the Hill for awhile,meeting new people and laughing with the ones that I've already met.. this is a fun place. =)
I've also added a picture of my 18th century dance dress. If you look at the bottom of the picture you can see my little dog, Sazz, trying to get away from the hoop skirt..ha,ha,ha...
Updating this; 9/10/08; having computer issues and may not be here for awhile, so if I don't respond to you, or post anything, my pc has gone to pc heaven.. or hell... =)
it has been a very bad pc, after all...
Keeping my fingers crossed that I won't be gone long, if I'm gone at all.. Take care...
12/08 Computer seems to be doing ok at this point, altho it's very slow. Sometimes I send someone an answer to their message and it just sends and sends but never goes.. that is very frustrating, I get tired of waiting so wander off somewhere.. =(
Can you say "short attention span"..ha,ha,ha...
Joined the group NOTH Layouts and changed my page using their info..what a wonderful group, and so easy to follow their directions.. Go check it out and have some fun...
4/09 Spring is teasing us here in south-west Arkansas.. warm and sunny every so often, but mostly windy, windy, windy... I'm ready to get out of this sweatshirt and fat girl pants.. =)
ready for some cut offs and tee...How 'bout you?
5/09 It's almost crawfish eat'n time.. bunchs of crawdads, beer, cajan music to tap your feet too..ah, life is good...
7/09 Summer is here, hot and dry the way Arkansas is.. this time of year I'm always dreaming of fall.. ah, dreaming my life away..=)
I'm a young 65 year old,..65 is just a number,huh..=)
I work at a factory....the same one, for 29 years, and that is how long I have lived in Arkansas..
I am a Michigander,but here they call me a damn yankee... =)
(That is someone who comes to visit and stays..)
I have 4 daughters, 6 grands, and 2 great grands..
the loves of my life.. =)
I'm a poor, poor girl, who makes the best of life as it comes at me..What else can we do, huh..=)
A little dog, and cat, plus bunches of barn cats that want me to feed them daily..
I live in the country on 5 acreas, own my own home. A country cottage.. I use to have goats, chickens/geese/turkeys but not right now. Maybe again in some other day.
Laughter, sunshine, slow weekends, parties,rain on hot dry days,snow once in awhile,watching kittens play.
Music to make love to and music to dance to.
Frogs singing in the pond at night, and hummingbirds at the feeder.
How much time do you have, cause the list could go on and on.. =)
I like this saying too;
You live,you laugh,you love,you learn,
You scream,you cry,you crash,you burn...
People who complain or gossip..ones who take the fun out of the day. Too many days in a row being by myself..
My computer naturally, reading, trying to grow flowers..=) I would love to learn photogrophy,and painting.
I love 18th century dancing and am part of a group that does this, along with re-enactments.