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memory OFFLINE
100 years old
Goshen, Indiana
United States

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Profile Views: 6320
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JOB: Retired
RELIGION: Christian - other
MEMBER SINCE: 06/07/2009
LAST LOGIN: 09/09/2015 08:07:14

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Some of my favorite movies are 'The Sound of Music'; 'Shall We Dance' with Richard Gere; 'The Notebook'; 'Pretty Woman'and 'Jack Frost'...

glitter-graphics.com I do alot of reading. I especially enjoy Karen Kingsbury; Beverley Lewis; Jan Karon;and Wanda Brunsteter. I also cherish the time spent reading the Bible and inspirational book daily.

glitter-graphics.com My favorite color is LILAC...

glitter-graphics.com My favorite foods are chicken strips;seafood;chinese buffet;and dessert is something like carrot cake or ice cream sundaes. Chocolates like "Pot of Gold' are always a special treat....

glitter-graphics.com My EMERGENCY contact is ROSEOLOGY, also here on NOTH...

glitter-graphics.com I have lived in Northern Indiana since I was 3 years old. I have 2 grown children, 7 grandchildren, and 18 great-grandchildren. I live in a nice quiet retirement community, close to shopping and restaurants.

glitter-graphics.com I enjoy a cup of coffee in the morning while reading my devotional book; in the summertime I enjoy being outside admiring my flower garden, and in the Fall,watching the leaves change color...I really enjoy watching the hummingbirds that come to my feeders, which I keep filled regularly...

glitter-graphics.com I don't like extremely cold weather; the state the world is in; and when the mailman puts MY mail in someone else's mailbox...

glitter-graphics.com I enjoy reading; knitting, my latest projects are cotton dish cloths and matching hand towels. I give them to my sister and she sells them in a gift shop at a nursing home. I have also made some quilts and baby blankets as gifts. I enjoy playing solitaire and spider-solitaire as well as free cell- sometimes I even WIN.

Displaying 4 out of 4 comments
05/29/2021 08:34:47

10/22/2019 09:00:36

Good morning:

   It has been a long while since I posted to the Hill.  A lot has happened in the time I was away.
  We sold our home and bought a new condo this summer.  IT was hard to leave our home after 55 years, but it was getting to much for Ron to keep and so we decided to move.  I love the condo and it is so easy to look after.
  Other than that, not much is new in our lives.  We had our oldest granddaughter get married this summer and  we had a new great granddaughter born, which was so exciting.  We are now great grandparents to two great grandchildren.  One boy and one girl.  So special.
  Other than that, not much else is new.  Trust you are keeping well and enjoying the days of fall.
  Take care of your self. 



01/09/2019 19:54:52

Happy New Year to you:, Grandma   Haven't stopped by for a bit, so thought I should make an appearance before you think I have forgotten you.
  ;Trust you had a wonderful Christmas and every good wish for the New Year.
  We went to celebrate Christmas with our daughter in her new home this year.  A wonderful time was had by all.
  To start off the New Year, Ron & I both developed colds.  The cold is on it way out now and I am glad for it.
  We have been very quiet since Christmas and not getting into to much activity so far. 
  Not much news here, but I wanted to let you know you are always in my thoughts and prayers.
   Have a wonderful, safe, healthy, happy 2019.

12/15/2018 17:51:02

Dear Grandma:
Stopping by to wish you a very Merry Christmas and all good wishes for the New Year.  Sure do miss you on line and trust you are doing and keeping well.
 We will be at our daughter's for her first Christmas in her new home.  Always a good time with her and the family.
Wishing you and yours the merriest of Christmas's and health and happiness in the New Year.

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