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mem_normal OFFLINE
58 years old
United States

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JOB: Homemaker
RELIGION: Christian - other
MEMBER SINCE: 07/28/2008
LAST LOGIN: 06/02/2014 17:31:51

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While You Were Sleeping
George and the Dragon
When Harry Met Sally
I also love sci fi:
Star Trek
Terminator II
The Matrix

Pop rock

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I love to read romance novels, and I love to write them, too. Some of my favorite authors are Janet Evanovich, Debbie Macomber, Betty Neels, etc...

I love red, blue, black and pink!

Mexican food. I love it all!!!

Visit my website for the latest information on my books:

New Release!
Ice Baron (Ice Chronicles)

My futuristic romance novel, Ice Baron, has just been released from Diamond Press. It is a fast-paced book, and packed with action, adventure, and romance.

Former Kazakhstan, year 3145 A.D.
1,000 years ago, nuclear war destroyed the face of the earth. Now the earth is frozen in a permanent ice age.

For centuries, war has torn their territory apart...

Anya has loved Joshua for years. Unfortunately, he’s her protector, and became baron of Donetsk Territory when her father was murdered. According to the Old Barons’ Law, a romantic relationship between them is forbidden. However, breaking the law will never become an issue, for Joshua appears to care very little for her. In fact, he is determined to negotiate peace with their mortal enemy, Onred, and presents Anya with little choice--marry the Altai baron, or her people will continue to die in the bloody war.

Joshua must get Anya out of his territory before he does the unthinkable and breaks the protector’s sacred trust. When Onred proposes an end to centuries of brutal war, Joshua accepts the bargain. Bound by duty and honor to protect his citizens, and fulfill his sworn vows to Anya’s dead father, he will do what is right, no matter the cost to himself.

Should Anya accept her fate? Can Onred be trusted? Or is he a madman, who will drive their world to the brink of destruction?

Click here to read an excerpt.

Excellent Reviews!

My contemporary inspirational romance, Her Reluctant Bodyguard, has just been receiving some excellent reviews! Rebecca Lynn of The Pen & Muse writes:

“There are no words. Honestly, there are no words to explain how much I loved this book. This is probably one of the absolute best books I have ever read in my entire life. I just don’t know where to begin.” – Rebecca Lynn, The Pen & Muse…full book review

Here is a little about Her Reluctant Bodyguard

Alexa's dream job becomes a threat to her life...

When famous pop star Colin Radcliffe asks Alexa to write his biography and tour with him in Europe, she is thrilled—until she begins to receive death threats. To her dismay, Colin puts her under the 24/7 protection of his chief bodyguard, Jamison Constanzo—a man with whom she’s clashed from day one.

Alexa struggles to control her flip attitude toward Jamison. Why does opening up her heart to him feel almost as dangerous as dealing with the stalker’s threats? But when the killer strikes, Jamison is the only one she can turn to…

Click here to read an excerpt.

Buy eBook: Kindle | Smashwords
Buy Paperback: Amazon | Barnes & Noble


I'm a mom with three kids in school (two in elementary school, and one who's just started junior high (she loves it--so far, so good, is my motto right now :) ). I'm a Bible study table leader for our church. I love to work on computers, and I write romance novels, too.

My first book is The Commander's Desire. It's historical romance novel, and is rated PG-13. It's received numerous five star reviews, a "Top Pick" rating from Romance Reader at Heart, and was voted "Reader's Favorite Hero for 2009."

Here's a little about it:

Travel on a journey of romance into medieval Scotland with The Commander's Desire...

Princess Elwytha wants revenge on the monster who murdered her brother. In a false exchange for peace, she offers herself in marriage to the enemy Prince. The plan? Kill the Prince’s battle-scarred Commander—the man who ended King Thor’s life with one filthy sword thrust through the back. To her horror, the Commander agrees to take Elwytha as his bride...


       Elwytha needed the knave’s blade. She waited until more ale was consumed and the men jested, roaring with laughter up and down the table. The knave to her left rested his arms on the table now, softly chuckling like a simpleton. He’d lost his reasoning abilities…whatever he’d possessed to begin with.
        A quick scan proved no one paid her the least mind. Quickly, stealthily and without looking, she slipped the enemy’s dagger from his scabbard. Easy. Simple. She hid it in the folds of her dress beneath the table, heart beating rapidly. Victory! Elwytha smiled to herself and sipped more water.
        A wide hand curled around her wrist under the table. Alarm jolted through her. Outraged, she turned to the Commander. “Take no liberties with me,” she hissed.
        His eyes bored into hers. “Return it.”
She slid the blade with her other hand to her knees, and, using her shins as a slide, allowed the dagger to slide to her feet. She scooted it under one foot. “Unhand me,” she ordered.
        The grip tightened. “Return it.”
        “Have you drunk too much ale?”
        “I will search you if you do not return it now.” The frowning, squinty gaze looked hard, reminding her of the brute warrior he was.
        Now was the time to keep a cool head.
        She raised an eyebrow. “I’m not sure what you’re imagining, but I have taken nothing. See? My utensil remains on the table. As do my trencher and cup. What more do you wish?”
        “Return it.” His deep voice remained even. Faintly, she felt surprised he didn’t thunder at her. Probably in an attempt to retain his pride. He wished no one to guess he wielded no control over his future bride.
        She smiled at that pleasing thought.
        “Put both your hands on the table,” he rumbled.
        Elwytha froze for a second, then willingly complied. She gave him a mocking half-smile.
        “Now stand,” he ordered, “and take a step back from the table.”
        What about the blade? Elwytha felt uneasy. What did he intend with these orders? And should she submit? But she needed that dagger. No way could he have seen her sleight of hand. He would not thwart her now.

Fan Video for The Commander's Desire!

I'm excited to share that a fan of my book, who has become a wonderful friend, Miranda, along with her friend Clancy, have made a fan video for The Commander's Desire! I'm just amazed and humbled that they wanted to do such a thing! And the video they produced is awesome! (Miranda is a student in Australia, and I'm absolutely amazed at her artistic talent.)

Enjoy their video here:

Fan Video for The Commander's Desire

Thank you again, Miranda and Clancy! :)

The Commander's Desire is available from Amazon

Top Pick review for The Commander's Desire!

The Commander's Desire is receiving more rave reviews! It just received a "Top Pick" rating from Romance Reader at Heart:

“Ms. Green’s portrayal of the Commander was refreshing. He was kind and caring without being wimpy, and it takes a talented author to bring that out in a character without losing the effect of being a strong alpha warrior while keeping the reader's interest at the same time. And not to leave out Elwytha—she’s a warrior princess. She gets out there and fights with the men. ...THE COMMANDER'S DESIRE is definitely a keeper.” – Sheila Smith, Romance Reader at Heart …full review

It has also received 5 Stars from WRDF Reviews:

The Commander’s Desire is a historical novel that reaches you deep down to your soul....Simply stated, I loved this book. No matter what genre you read or what heat level you enjoy, you will be enthralled with The Commander’s Desire. You will feel their emotions, understand their sorrows and celebrate their victories. It definitely stays on my shelf.” – Cindy K. Green, WRDF Reviews…full review

And it's received a rave review from Medieval Book Reviews!

“Jennette Green's THE COMMANDER'S DESIRE is a quick paced romance read.… Jennette Green is an author whose career medieval romance readers should watch with interest.” – Merri, Medieval Book Reviews ...full review

Buy from Amazon
The Wild Rose Press!

Writing, reading, computers, photography.

I love to write, and I also love to design my own websites. I'm a bit of a techie junkie. Here are three sites I designed:



--lists the best romance novels on the internet
(it was a template I completely modified)

www.findagreatromance.blogspot.com (also was a template)

More favorite sites include:

Diamond Press

"Publishing One Gem at a Time." Publishes quality fiction and nonfiction.
Offers technical services for publishers, too, such as document and image conversions to Lightning Source, CreateSpace, Kindle, and Smashwords standards.

Diamond Press Blog

Provides newbie technical, step-by-step instruction in a number of areas, including: writing, editing, publishing, Gimp, Adobe® Acrobat®, Photoshop®, website design, blog customization, file preparation for Lightning Source, CreateSpace and Smashwords, book interior design, and various other topics, such as: making widgets, search boxes, simple contact forms, etc...

Art Gallery

Artists of Washington

Contemporary stainless steel sculptures, unique, handcrafted wooden bowls, stunning paintings, and hand-designed artwork created by Washington artists.


Spiders and cockroaches.

Reading, photography

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07/03/2019 17:35:09


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