Female 78 years old Wisconsin United States
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Profile Views: 3155
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Christian - other |
12/22/2011 21:36:13 |
Love old movies, John Wayne & few others.
Shades of blue and purple.
Fried Texas Catfish with all the trimmings;
love to go to Church potlucks and try all the new fixins;
have learned to love my native 'corn soup'
Pray one hour before going to war,
Two hours before going to sea,
And three hours before getting married.
Indian Proverb
Inside each of us is a Voice,
It is a Quiet Voice
It is a Guiding Voice
If we listen for it
It will guide us, and help us avoid disaster.
It is especially active when we are afraid....
when we are in doubt........
when we are scared...........
when we need help.......
when we are angry.
If we are excited emotionially,
it is hard to hear this voice.
If we are angry, it s hard to hear this voice
because it is usually quiet.
The best thing to do is to practice getting quiet.
If we do not get quiet,
there is another voice called the Judge.
It tells us to attack........
say bad things to other people....
judge ourselves.
This voice is loud and usually gets us into trouble.
Creator, Great Mystery, help me listen for the Quiet Voice.
Let me know this Voice of Yours.
Guide me with this Voice.
Thank You.
 Free Comments and Graphics
I am a native american Oneida Indian of Wisconsin. I was born in California and raised in the white man's world, but was taught to not forget 'who' I really was, and to always be very proud of my heritage.
I have lived in So. Calif., Utah, Colorado, Washington, Arkansas, and Texas.
I have been married for 45 yrs., raised 3 children, 1 boy and 2 girls, have 8 grown grandchildren. We have 2 great grandchildren and another one on the way. I am now raising a 4 yr. old that we have had for 3 1/2 yrs. She brings us so much joy and keeps us both busy,busy. At first I wondered what I was doing with a child this young at my age, now I know God sent her to us for a reason. She has been a pure blessing to us!
People that act like they are better than you. We were all created by One!
Have started to do beadwork again, still do some genealogy, making some of our native dresses.
