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76 years old
Victor, New York
United States

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JOB: Computers/Internet
RELIGION: Protestant
MEMBER SINCE: 04/02/2008
LAST LOGIN: 01/04/2024 14:03:26

Oh, where do I begin… well, really, Love story is NOT one of my favorite movies. However, "Gone With the Wind" is along with, Somewhere In Time. Others I like Most Mystery movies I like many from the 1940s are fun too, not a mystery but a great movie "The Bishop's Wife" with Loretta Young, Carry Grant, etc. "Mr. Blanding's Builds His Dream House" Cary Grant and Myrna Loy… all the Thin Man movies with Myrna Loy and William Powell, For Richer for Poorer with Tim Allen and Kristy Alley. Kate and Leopold Meg Ryan, Huge Jackman; Frequency with Jim Caviezel, The Count of Monte Cristo Jim Caviezel, Angle Eyes Jim Caviezel and of course The Passion of the Christ Jim Caviezel, however, that movie is not one I can watch over and over it hurts too much but a must-see movie. You've Got Mail, Meg Ryan, and Tom Hanks, but also the original Shop Around the Corner with Margaret Sullivan and Jimmy Stewart. It's a Wonderful Life Jimmy Stewart and Donna Reed and many more

I love the old hymns I hope you get as much out of them as I do. Sit back relax or sing along and bask in the Love of the Lord Jesus Christ's love for us. God bless you.

The Library Joyful226/Connie
the library pictures

The Library
Looking for history, looking for fiction,
Looking for poetry or even a Mystery,
Whatever the case the library
whether at home or some other place,
Is a special space for reading,
Learning, imagination and minds to grow,
And then our lives can overflow
into amazing wisdom and marvelous imagination
Oh what a magnificent place that is.. you know. by Connie Hull 9-18,19-2012

Bible, Bible Study type books, How too, History, Art, Mystery,Computer books, Medical books.

Purple, to light Violet/Lavender. On one of my Mom's hospital stays, I found some lavender roses they were so pretty! It was my favorite color so Dad got them for her. The nurses in the hospital made quite a deal over them. To this day have not seen prettier lavender roses.

Fried Chicken or even Chicken Fried Steak, Steak is good too, Strawberry Short Cake Corn on the Cob.

10/21/2022 22:41:41

Thank you for always sticking by me even when I was far away. It has been a challenge for me these last 2 years. finally leading to a small stroke. Which I am getting better all the time. But it was also discovered I have two brain aneurysms, not just one as was first thought but 2 and one more dangerous than the other. So I guess we are lucky to have discovered them now when something can be done about them. They are both old they told me. But to all who stayed with me through all and still more to come thank you more than Words can say. You are the best. Love Connie

When I was a young girl my Grandma Hull, had a print of this Angel and little boy and girl going over a very scary bridge. We would talk about that print and how scary it was, where are the parents, and why the children were out there. But Grandma said it shows it doesn't matter what trouble you are in God is there with His protective angels to watch over you. And I found and still find great comfort in that, and I know it is true.

Wishing you a very Happy Birthday to those that have a birthday in May. Your birthstone is an emerald, see what else you can see as well. Maybe a birth flower for the month of May or maybe more than one? What about other important events?

Won't you join me for a nice cup of coffee, tea, or whatever beverage you like and look around. I hope you enjoy my place.

My Emergency contact is
is Red-Dog
My Brother is now on this wonderful site. at
and my dear Julian

Keeping you in my prayers. Joyful226
i will keep you in my prayers pictures

Jesus said come to the water stand by my side. I know you are thirsty you won't be denied I felt every teardrop when in the darkness you cried and I came to remind you it was for tears I died...(and conquered death and live forever) wishing you a blessed Sunday

Making Dinner for Mother by Joyful226/ Connie
mother's day for mother in lawa pictures

Little Jenny deiced to make Mother a nice "Mother's Day" dinner. I hope goes well. But no matter her momma will like it whatever it is she concocts.

I am a Mom and Grandma, My oldest grandchild Julian was 19 July 31,2022, The next was Jevelle (a girl) 17 April 17,2022, And then my daughter's only child, a boy, is Wyatt 17, Nov. 16, and my youngest Jasmine was 17 Dec.28. How time flies. Julian is also the one I have in case of an emergency. along with my Companion Bob Yattaw. My college major was Art. As a matter of fact, I make most of my own art for my page here on NOTH If you wonder why I have the Coca-Cola ladies on my page and never take them off it is because I have "Googled" the ladies for History of them and my page comes up. I am very honored about that but I feel they need them to remain for those interested in Coca-Cola History which there is quite a bit of history about them.
I was also the founder, publisher, writer, do the art direction, reporter, etc. a hometown-type publication originally for people to encourage them to know they are worth something too. It is now worldwide, most who get it share it with others so not sure how many receive it. Thus, for a town of about 90 people to have more than 500 subscribers via email (that I know about) isn't too bad. It has some news in it, recipes, sometimes religious or inspirational stories, and poems each week it is different but always has recipes, either a fun fact or humor, and a contest. It is a Pro-Family, Pro Country, Very Pro-God publication. but it is no longer on the web only via email now. A new company took over the web hosting and couldn't afford the charges.


May our Lord Jesus bless and keep you. May He gives His angels guard over to you to keep you in His holy ways.. and may you be filled with His wonderful Holy Spirit who gives us peace which passes all understanding and only through Him can we truly have inner peace and rest, truly rest in the Lord knowing through it all no matter what HE God knows the situation and will make things work out best for all concerned. Now may the Grace and Peace which passes all understanding be yours now and forevermore. With Love in Christ without whom, I am truly nothing...by Connie/Joyful226
Jesus, people especially those that enjoy the fact that they are alive and like living, Reading the Bible and reading in general, Art, publishing, shopping even if I don't buy anything. Talking to people, I love people, all people, but especially enjoy those that think deeply, and have a sense of humor too. Also Genealogy.

About the painting above: When I was a little girl my Grandparents had this painting hanging in their home. My "Grandpa" Hull, was a wonderful man and minister. This painting also hung above his pulpit in the country church where he preached. Well, I could write a book about this wonderful man. However, I remember one day he and I were talking, I told him how much I loved that painting. He said you know that the book of Revelation chapter 3 verse 20 inspired this painting where Jesus says: "Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hears my voice, and opens the door, I will come into him and will sup with him, and he with me." Grandpa explained that "man" meant anyone at all that would ask Him in, Grandpa also said, "Look at the door, there is no door handle. Jesus cannot come in unless we do the inviting. Jesus never goes where He is not wanted, but He will go everywhere He is and He continues to knock on everyone's heart's door. Honey do you want to invite Jesus into your heart?"… I did. As you can imagine this painting along with its symbolism is very special to me.

A prayer: For the homeless, Lord hear our prayer, for the lonely Lord hear our prayer, For the hurting, Lord hear our prayer, For the sick and infirm, Lord hear our prayer, For the children Lord Hear our Prayer, For victims of all kinds of things, Lord hear our prayer, for those who have suffered a loss of loved ones in so many ways, Lord hear our prayer... When at our darkest and bleakest hour Lord hear our prayer and send your angels to watch over us to guide us, show us your love, protect us, and keep us in all your ways. Light a candle for all those in their darkest hour. In the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, In Jesus Holy Name, Amen

May the Lord bless and keep you, May His face shine upon you, and be gracious unto you. May the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace." Numbers 6: 24-26

Take your medicine.. Joyful226
Take your medicine picture's

negative people, horror movies and getting sick of any kind.

[Mission in life quiz]
You Are the Leader

You are inspiring and uplifting. You bring out the best in people, through both nurturing and challenging them.
You always can see the big picture in life. You are very philosophical and deeply spiritual.

You understand people, and you can look at their lives objectively. You can help others grow and heal.
People feel comforted by your presence. You help them gain perspective on their lives.


Several mentioned in What I like and making Blingee's

This is the First Coca Cola Dispenser from 1886 that dispensed coca cola syrup that was mixed with carbonated water. The big glass in front that says Drink Coca Cola..and the one the lady is holding looks very much like the first coca cola glasses and the carton to the right that holds bottles of Coca Cola was the first carton Coca Cola sold them in. It was Coca Cola that invented the idea to put Coca Cola in bottles and then in cartons so people would have something to take their favorite beverage home in which was much more convenient than taking it home in individual bottles. Coca Cola started it and rest of the bottling and packaging industry soon picked up on Coca Cola's idea and thus packaged bottled beverages was born and lives strong today.

Hilda Kathryn Clark first model on tins Hilda Clark picture circa 1895Hilda Clark was an actress in the late 1800's but became very famous when Coca-Cola hired her in 1889 to be the "face" of Coca-Cola. She was the first to appear on their serving trays (the first tray was in 1895)and then was used on all advertising including calendars. Hilda remained the "face" of Coca-Cola until her Marriage in New York State during the month of Feb. 1903 to Fredrick Stanton Flower a Millionaire making his fortune through banking concerns and the director of several railroads. When she married Mr. Flower she took the name Hilda Clark Flower. Fredrick was the nephew of a governor of NY Roswell P. Flower. Hilda and her husband had a very good marriage. She was born in 1872 to Lydia and Milton Edward Clark in Leavenworth, KS. Her beloved husband Fredrick died in December 1930. Hilda Clark died just one year and five months later on May 5, 1932, in Miami Beach, Florida. She was buried next to her husband at Brookside Cemetery, in Watertown, New York.

Above Coca Cola Model Hilda Clark 1903.This is likely the last Coca Cola advertising image of Hilda Clark. This was used in 1903 just before she married Fredrick Flower.
The Coca Cola dispenser was the first dispenser they used to serve the beverage. The glass to the left is one of the first styles of Coca Cola glasses before they got their famous shape in 1915.

Lillian Norton Nordica 1904 ad for Coca Cola

Born in Farmington Maine in 1857 Lillian Nordica was the second of the famed Coca-Cola serving tray ladies. After Hilda Coca-Cola hired Lillian Nordica, She worked for them from 1904-1905. The above picture of her was their first advertising picture of her for the year 1904
Here is a little more about this famous beauty: Following some private lessons, and she made her debut in La Traviata at Brescia, Italy, April 1879. Where her name was changed from Lillian Norton to Nordica, Miss Nordica's association with the Metropolitan Opera House, New York, during the latter half of the 90's, lent luster to that galaxy of artist, not since duplicated in any opera house. An honor of that time was her participation in the opening of the Boston Opera House, where she sang in LA Gioconda. Critics agree that Miss. Nordica possessed a voice of liquid purity, exceptional range, and magnificent power. These, combined with a charming personality, rare dramatic gift and an obsession for patient study, enabled her to win success in a most exacting profession. Her fame penetrated to every civilized corner of the earth, and her name was synonymous with everything fine in vocal art.
(December 12, 1857 – May 10, 1914)
By 1913, her voice and health were in decline. This did not prevent her from embarking misguidedly on a strenuous recital tour to Australia. She nearly missed the ship leaving Sydney on her return but wired the captain asking him to wait for her. It would prove to be a fatal mistake. The ship was The Tasman, hit a coral reef, where it remained for three days, and Lilian suffered hypothermia (exposure) from which she never fully recovered. She lingered for months, seems to improve, only to fail again. She died on May 10, 1914, in Batavia (now Jakarta) on the island of Java. Pneumonia carried her off in the end.

Lilian's personal life was not as successful as her public. She was married three times and divorced the same when she died she was not married.

Her birthplace in Farmington, Maine, is today the Nordica Memorial Homestead, a museum and historic site. The Nordica Auditorium in Merrill Hall at the University of Maine at Farmington is named after her.
Folklore: At the University of Maine at Farmington, it is said that the Ghost of Lilian roams the auditorium that was given to the university in her name. Some evenings one is able to still hear her sing in the stage area.

Displaying 4 out of 7862 comments
03/03/2025 18:17:53

1st Monday, 1st work week of new month.
I sure hope this new year slows down,
unlike last  year:) Would love to hear
from you, Connie. Hoping you are doing
well, dear friend.  *hugs*

03/03/2025 13:35:29

03/02/2025 03:23:57



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