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81 years old
Onawa, Iowa
United States

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JOB: Disabled
RELIGION: Christian - other
MEMBER SINCE: 03/05/2010
LAST LOGIN: 12/09/2016 15:05:06

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Dec 17 2013, 11:32 am by Junie_PapaAllen
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Dec 05 2013, 4:28 pm by Junie_PapaAllen
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Jul 07 2013, 9:13 am by Junie_PapaAllen
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Junie's favorite is "Gone With The Wind." She's seen it over 14 times through the years. She also loves silent films and the old black and white "classics." One of my favorite silent film actors is Ernest Torrence; he's a distant relative.

Papa Allen loves Steven Segall, Arnold Swartznieger (? not sure of spelling), Sly Stallone and all those tough guys; too many to list. Mostly action pictures but some Hallmarks, etc. like me.

Country for both of us. Some gospel and some 40's, 50's and 60's music, too. Just about anything except hard rock and metal.

We enjoy reading the Scriptures, gardening catalogs. Papa Allen enjoys Mechanics Manuals,and Louis Lamour novels, too.

I love the color green. It's a sign of life and renewel! The color of Springtime. Papa's favorite color depends on what it it's on, for example, walls, cabinets, accereries, etc. I guess I'm kind of the same way. I don't want everything green!

Papa likes green, too, but thinks I over-do it.

I will eat just about anything but need to be eating healthier since I'm Diabetic but I manage to keep my blood sugars and A1C levels very good. I am constantly trying to lose more weight. So far I've lost 69 lbs. from my top weight back in the mid-1980's. It is a battle!

I put on a lot of my excess weight due to steroid therapy for my lung disease. The doctors had me on 80mg of Prednisone a day for over a year. Of course, I had to come off that stuff gradually; that took another 2 years. It did it's damage, believe me!

UPDATE: As of 8-06-2010 I lost a total of 93 lbs.!I have only 47 more pounds to go to meet my goal.

Papa Allen loves to eat my cooking. I do so from "scratch." He's an old farmer and semi truck driver and loves that kind of food and still manages to keep his weight down!

09/23/2014 16:19:29
09/21/2014 16:00:50
07/07/2013 11:22:06
05/28/2013 14:35:52

Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ

In Loving Memory
of Our Son,


6-05-1970 ~ 1-10-2011

This is our youngest Great-granddaughter:

Aurora Leigh (Rori)

D.O.B. October 01, 2008

My (Junie's) age, etc. is listed first because I'm the oldest and there isn't anyway to add a second person. I'm 12 years older than Papa Allen but it doesn't seem to matter. We're very much in love and that's what counts. We'll be married 10 years August 12, 2010.

We are both disabled with Papa Allen taking care of me the most. He also tries to do odd jobs to help suppliment our fixed income.

We work together to make things work for us. We may have an argument once a year! That's pretty darn good, isn't it?

I have 3 sons and 5 grandchildren. Papa has 2 daughters and 2 sons and 10 grandchildren. And we have 8 great-grandchildren. Of course, we don't distinguish one family from the other. They all belong to both of us.

We also have our "furbabies." They are our "children." We call them that, too. Our real baby is Pepper Dog; a small Chihuahua. She's a real doll! Would play ball 24/7! She needs to be with us all the time. Even sleeps with us. Pepper was 19 years old August 30, 2013.

Papa Allen had an orange short-haired Tabby cat, Tasha Rae, when we met 14 years ago; she's now 24 years old and we've been discussing the fact that she may be blind. She sure acts like it. She sleeps wherever she wants. Tasha is the "Queen!" I had my black short-haired Cricket Kitty who's now 17 years old. Cricket sleeps on my hip. (It took Tasha 8 years before she's have anything to do with Cricket!)

We also have a 5 year old long-haired black cat that Papa rescued in our back yard. She was trying to get into our garage because of the cold weather. She was just a tad over a month old and WILD. She really clawed him!She was born under a neighbors house and never was around people.

She still won't go around people; runs and hides. We just can't get Fannie Mae (the Brat Cat) to socialize. But she gets along with us great. A very beautiful and loving cat just like the others. She really loves up her Papa! At first it was just in the back porch during coffee and a smoke break. But now she's starting to love him up inside the house, too.

Of course, she's always loved her Mama. I'm the one who fed her and she's come to me to get some num-num from my left side gown sleeve. She still tries it once-in-awhile but is outgrowing it. She sleeps at our feet.

I took care of my parents for 10 1/2 years. I dyalized my father at home and Mom had Alzheimer's Disease. Papa Allen helped me with my mother the last 1 1/2 year of her life. He was very close to Mom and absolutely wonderful with her. He'd met my Daddy once many years before.

Although we live in a small (1 bedroom) and modest home we both enjoy working on it and the yard which includes gardening; vegetables and flowers. We love watching the birds and animals that come into our yard.

We have a rabbit that has babies under our deck every year. She and the babies know they have nothing to fear here. Pepper dog even plays with them. The rabbit and she chase each other around!

The Mama has even layed out in the grass and the little ones come running to nurse. It's so wonderful to have critters like that around.

We had the squirrels again this winter. Papa threw cobs of corn out for them They'd take them away and when finished would bring them back to let him know they needed more! We'd never seen anything like that before.

We will be posting pictures later.

We don't like what we see going on in our world, town and how the younger people are acting; some older ones, too. We don't care for troublemakers, liars, dishonest people. The list could go on but won't!

Junie: Sewing, needle work, reading, computer, gardening and many other things that I can't think of right now.

Papa Allen loves to garden and build things in and around our home for us and for our friends. Mechanics.

Displaying 4 out of 4 comments
07/29/2023 09:33:55

 Happy Birthday wherever you are !


07/30/2020 00:34:00

Happy Birthday! Hope your special day will be wonderful. 

Hugs and prayers for that!

02/18/2020 07:48:05

Rain, Rain and more Rain!

I hope the weather is better in your area. Here and all around there's so much flooding it's devastating!

07/30/2019 04:33:36

Happy Birthday! Be healthy, prosperous and LOVED! Hope you are doing well.


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