Female 68 years old Great Falls, Montana United States
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Profile Views: 2196
[ 80 ]
08/29/2019 10:07:31 |
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Action adventure, sci-fi, & movies I can sleep after seeing that don't keep my mind going. Comedies, 'cause I love to laugh.
40's, 50's, 60's, 70's - Silly songs, pop, rock, country. Todays New-age, meditation, up-lifting...
I love books, most all types but my favorites are... Metaphysical, Quantum physics, Self improvement, spiritual awakening outside the box, alternative - medicine - cars - fuel - housing - etc..., sewing, quilting, cookbooks and so much more...
All the colors of the rainbow, especially purples...

I love to eat foods with lots of flavor. I love fruits and veggies. I love foods dressed up with herbs and spices. I like foods with a kick, but not spicy hot. I like your typical "American" food, but I love ethnic of all regions, especially...Thai, Italian and Mexican.
I found I do best when I follow a Keto WOE (way of eating).
Thank You for stopping by and allowing me to share a bit of my life with you.
A person can never have too many friends and I'd love to be yours.
If you are interested in some great herbal products, teas, essential oils and CBD... take a free tour
I was born in Montana, #2 of 9 children. We moved around alot growing up. I've lived in AZ., UT., CA., PA., OH. and NV., in several town in most of those states. Now I'm heading to Tennessee.
I got married a year after HS. I am the mother of eight wonderful children and have 7 beautiful grandchildren. My youngest moved to Hawaii. He's 22 now. Where did the time go.
Stuck out a bad marriage for 23 yrs. Finally got strong enough to leave.
I moved back to MT, 'cause it feels like home, even tho there were very few friends and relatives left here (maybe that was a good thing). I made more friends.
I have been married to a wonderful man for 18 years now.
As stated in other sections...I design and publish patterns (booties, so far) for preemies and newborn babies up to 12 months old. But now I'm moving back to making jean quilts.
I spend too much of my time on the computer, but I love it.
I used to be a very "religious" person, but over the years I have learned that we are all on our own path, to learn our own lessons and that all paths lead home. I am learning to let go of the dogma and just love, unconditionally, as we are.
Designing baby clothing patterns, making quilts out of old blue jeans, being out in nature and breathing it in, to see the divine in all things, life, my family. I love to sing and laugh and have fun, being around positive people, etc... too many to list
Religious, lifestyle & race Intolerance, greed, violence of any kind. Negative people and energy vampires. Most Rap and Hip-hop.
Designing baby clothing patterns, sewing, fabric, many facets.
I love fairies and angels and I collect both in figurines and graphics.
Photos of my jean quilts can be seen here
LilBabyThangs has 14 friend(s)