Keep Smiling  -- It makes people wonder what you're up to!
Female 66 years old Wisconsin United States
Arcade Champs: 0
Profile Views: 1787
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Christian - other |
09/20/2014 17:29:40 |
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Jul 26 2008, 9:47 am by MamaB
Jul 23 2008, 1:57 pm by MamaB
Jun 11 2008, 10:25 am by MamaB
White Christmas, An American President, Sabrina, 50 First Dates, the 40's era Bing Crosby, Fred Astair, Gene Kelly - the dancing, costumes & choreography. Disaster movies, Sci-Fi.
I like many different styles of music: Contemporary Christian music, classical, pop, rock-n-roll, instrumental, acoustical, etc. Definitely not heavy metal, hard rock, punk rock, rap, etc.
Left-Behind series was the last major reading I've done, my Bible, and Bible studies, or researching things, like gardening, or whatever I want to learn about at the time.
Shrimp, pasta, cheese, chocolate
Wife of same great guy for over 32 years, mom of 1 beautiful daughter, and 2 handsome sons, 2 dogs & 2 cats, grandma to 2 darling granddaughters.
To spend time with my Hubby and kids(young adults actually, as the youngest is now 20), I LOVE being a grandma!!!!! I like to be outside when it's not too cold, listening to the birds, walking in the woods, looking at the stars, playing in the dirt, riding my bicycle, etc; I LOVE chocolate, I like quiet laid-back times, quiet reading time, I love my job(I'm a church secretary), I like doing desktop publishing (putting together newsletter, church bulletins, announcements, etc.), and being on one of our Worship Teams.
I don't like squabbling, stepping in melted snow puddles on my kitchen floor in my stocking feet, liver, doing dishes, my cats bringing their "catch" into the house.
reading, knitting, crocheting, gardening, bike riding