You Have A Friend In Me
Female 75 years old Illinois United States
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07/24/2019 12:58:36 |
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I love so, so many but here are some of my favorites that I will watch everytime:
Gone With The Wind, Casa Blanca, Sleepless in Seatle, Jaws, Alien, Planet of the Apes, Wizard of Oz and Sound of Music.

Anything with a beat. What music I put on depends on my mood for that day. I have vinyl, cassettes, and cds.

Stephen King, Michael Crichton, Clive Clusser, Dean Koontz, John Grisham, Patricia Cornwell, James Patterson, Sue Crafton, Janet Evanovich, Clancey, DeMille, John Sandford and so many more. SIX bookcases filled and still buying, all served up with a good cup of coffee.

Pink, the color of my cherry trees when they bloom
Blue, the color of a summer evening sky.
Red, the color of a rose.

Friends to sit with and talk.
My husband, my children and their spouses.
My grandchild.
A good book with a glass of wine.
A good laugh and a good cry, which ever is needed at the time.
Working in my garden, traveling, and my computer.
There are lots more but that is all I have time to list for now.

There is not too much I don't like. Everyone has their own ideas, wants and needs. To be different is what makes us so unique. There always has to be an opposite in our world, love-hate beautiful-ugly old-new true-false and the list will continue on. I dislike gossip, cheating, weeds, not recycling, smell of burnt popcorn and skunk, and earmarking corners of books.

Here goes: reading, cooking, gardening, sewing, crocheting, messing with computer, traveling,
crafting of all kinds and feeding my birds and squirrels.