I Love Web & Graphic Design
Female 54 years old East Coast USA United States
Arcade Champs: 0
Profile Views: 1359
 [ 105 ]
02/11/2009 08:47:07 |
Led Zeppelin, Creed, Elton John, Pink Floyd, Maroon 5, Evanescence, a large mix of rock n roll such as classic and alternative rock.
Led Zeppelin & Evanescence are my top favorites.
Anything NON-Fiction. I am a information junky. I enjoy reading books about alternative subjects. I find the ancient Sumerian's, Egyptian's, and Mayan's absolutely fascinating.
I love to read anything on Theoretical physics. I for one believe we are cannot even begin to understand the power of the human brain, higher levels of consciousness, and more.
Any Deep Dark Jewel Tones. Believe it or not if I had to pick a true favorite color I would go with natural brown colors up to deep dark chocolates. Strange huh?
Chicken and Pasta Dishes. Chicken Chicken Chicken, and Pasta Pasta Pasta :)
NEWS:Michele's Paint Shop (my main website) had been featured in the Official published PSP magazine. You can find me in Novembers issue #7 and my tubes, gradients, and backgrounds on the CD for that issue. I'm also in issue 8 offering video tutorials to the CD.
Paint Shop Pro Junkies Forum ... Help yourselves and have fun. The forum is there for you to enjoy and we hug and cuddle newbies so do not fear showing us your first attempts at a graphic. We made this area so you could ask questions, post ideas, and show off your work!
MichelesPaintShop turned 3 yrs old last April.
Getting ready to launch another major site soon on multiple subjects. Working hard with this, and have been for a few months. Hopes of an official launch by October 1st 2008.
Web & Graphic Designer, lives in Southern New Jersey USA. Married with two children (daughters). I am a complete addict to web design, marketing, branding and more. I live for it :)
I thrive on seeing what works and what does not work when it comes to Search Engine Optimization. I like to help new small business expand to the internet. I just love the challenge of it all. I like to meet many new people that are interested in the same subjects. I enjoy alternative subjects, such as Conspiracy Theories, Paranormal, education, media, current events, and more. I believe in the USA having some sort of NHS (National Health System) and don't even try to debate me on this all you nay sayers. I won't have it!
I can be sweet, but then I can be firm when I have to. I stand my ground on the things I believe in, and I do welcome new theories.
I just love designing and being creative.

Web and Graphic Design. Search Engine Optimization, helping others succeed with their websites. I absolutely love the Paint Shop Pro Photo graphic program, and I help others learn the program with video tutorials that I make. One of my websites is MichelesPaintShop.com and that website is about what you just read above.
Paint Shop Pro Junkies Group
I love animals especially cats. I have 3 cats "Dude, BeBe, and Moo Moo" You know how you name your pets, but then end up calling them something else? Well, thats the story here with their names. Dude is the love of my life. If anything ever happened to him I'd be a sad case indeed!
I also promote awareness on the Hartz products that have been killing pets all over the USA. Please visit Hartz Kills to verify what I am saying is true. HARTZ KILL YOUR PETS!!! Please trust me on this and go read it!
I do NOT like animal abuse in anyway shape or form. I will turn in my own mother if she abused an animal.
I don't like people that always complain that their sick, and put on heirs. Just urks me that's all.
I live on the Bay/Ocean, and I don't like Seafood. Go figure!
 Graphic & Web Design. Paint Shop Professional, Dreamweaver, Flash Animations, Search Engine Optimization, Branding, Marketing, I simply love the challenge.
I also love to teach others how to make the most out of their websites, and to learn the programs listed above.
My main hobby would have to be "Creative" Web design because I'm doing it 24/7. If I'm not designing, building, optimizing, or promoting for my clients... I am likely off doing it for myself ALL while having fun. I consider it "MY TIME" :)

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