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mem_normal OFFLINE
82 years old
Southwestern, Michigan
United States

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JOB: Retired
RELIGION: Christian - other
MEMBER SINCE: 11/12/2010
LAST LOGIN: 08/07/2012 05:14:33

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Jan 20 2011, 10:26 am by OLDBRUCE
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Action/adventure movies & some old musicals like South Pacific and Paint Your Wagon (who would have thunk that Clint Eastwood & Lee Marvin could sing?)
I don't watch a lot of TV but when I do it is usually things like NCIS, Flashpoint, The Mentalist - and I think 2 and 1/2 Men is the funniest show on TV.

Modern Country and old time rock and roll (50's and 60's) - I consider all rap and headbanger crap to be offensive noise.

I like Faith Hill, Martina McBride, Brooks and Finnished, LoneStar, Rascal Flatts, Alabama, Dixie Chicks, The Kingston Trio, and many more.

I don't read much anymore - used to read science fiction quite a bit, and I have always enjoyed reading about the paranormal.

Here is 'the book' on Old Bruce:


I don't think I have one. Both of my wives swore that I was color blind, but it's not true - I just don't happen to believe that it's terribly important if your socks don't match :-)
Besides, it only happened a few times, and it was early in the morning, and dark in the bedroom.

I do however, love these colors:


Fried bluegils with hush puppies, and that rare commodity: really good cole slaw. Gotta have watermelon for desert, and I am serious. My own squirrel chili is a close second.
I was a hunter for most of my life, and I can absolutely assure you that it is possible to be an animal lover and a hunter in the same body. If you wish to argue about that, make sure you are a vegetarian before you even start. Cows and pigs and chickens have feeling too ya know. I'm not really sure about fish and lobsters, and I really have doubts that oysters or clams care about anything.



I don't tweet or knowingly associate with anyone who does. I really don't have a thing against tweeters, but I just think I'm more of a cat person. I have been known to belch and fart from time to time - or is that more than you wanted to know?



I'm pretty old, and I suffer from CRS (Can't Remember Shit). The up side of that is that every joke is new, and I meet new friends every day.

I would describe myself as a fairly relaxed, laid-back old fart. I spend a lot of time sitting on my front porch, in my rocking chair, watching the grass grow and watching my car rust. At least I would, if I had a front porch and a rocking chair. I'm sure you get the picture.


I have lived and traveled all over the country, and I now live in southwestern Michigan, a few miles from the Indiana border and near Lake Michigan. I subscribe to Playboy magazine, but I only read the articles

I'm a cancer survivor (so far, at least). It has been almost 6 years. I'm fighting it now, for the third time. My doc says I'm just too ornery to die, but I'm quite sure she's just saying that to make me feel good.

Since I have gone a couple of rounds with cancer, I can tell you for sure, it is pretty grim. I will always admire Katie Couric for having a colonoscopy done on national TV to bring the importance of it to the attention of millions of people. I avoided the test for many years, primarily out of embarrassment - I just couldn't get myself to submit to the indignity of that.

Well, let me tell you, that shyness damn near killed me. Speaking now as a person whose colon is in a jar on some shelf at the University of Michigan, I urge you to have the test done yearly if you are over 45 or 50.

If colon cancer is found early, it is usually cureable, and the colonoscopy is NOTHING compared to what you might go thru if you neglect to have it done.
There is certainly no truth to the rumors that I'm stubborn, or that I exaggerate relentlessly.

My heroes are John Wayne and that old guy that married Anna Nicole Smith when he was 89 and she was 26. I'm still trying to find out what kind of vitamins he took.

I really like this area of Michigan (except for the long, cold winters) and I take quite a few pictures of this area - A few of my favorites are below in a slide show, along with some silly ones that are just for fun :)

I like the Great Outdoors - Before I was struck by cancer, I would frequently walk in the woods all day on a Saturday or Sunday. I'm trying to get on the list for a body transplant, so I can do that again. If I can find the right doctor I'm gonna get a hair transplant at the same time :)

I love music, but I am only a listener - I have wanted to play some kind of instrument for many years but I found that I have absolutely no talent to make music. At one time I owned 3 guitars, but never learned to play them worth a damn. I can't sing either. On those rare occasions that I try in the shower, I soon quit. Nobody can endure that kind of noise for long - not even me :)

I love autumn - my favorite time of the year. In my mind, a brisk walk in the woods on a bright, crisp fall morning is as good as it gets. And the smell of burning leaves or a fireplace instantly takes me back 50 years.


I really dislike the fact that my list of dislikes is longer than my likes, but what are ya gonna do - I'm old and crotchety. I'll work on that though.

I don't like Obama, the imposter president, or any of his herd of crooks. Now that they have their hands on the government checkbook, and the government printing press, they are spending like there is no tomorrow. They are spending like drunken sailors, and if it continues, there won't be a tomorrow for the U.S.A. I believe they are the biggest threat this country has ever faced, and are intent on bringing this country down. I'm absolutely convinced that he's a muslim and that he isn't eligible for the office of president.


I don't like 'political correctness' - it has damaged this country so much it is hard to describe.

I don't like muslums being allowed in this country - I believe that their religion and beliefs are directly contrary to American values in almost every way, and their intolerance to any other religion means that they don't belong here. Considering that intolerance, I don't know why they would want to come here, except to do us harm, and they have been doing that for almost 30 years.

I don't mean them any harm - I simply believe that if they subscribe to the teachings of the Koran and Sharia law, then they should live in countries that think that way, and among people that think that way. I repeat, THEY DON'T BELONG HERE in the USA.

Photography, photo editing and I do a little woodworking - mostly carving. I love gardening, and would have a big one if I had a place to do it - fruit, every veggie under the sun, and some flowers - oh well.....
If you have any interest in seeing more pictures that I have posted, they are available here:


They are organized in albums. I have taken most of those, but as usual, some are just for fun.

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