Female 60 years old Tulsa, Oklahoma United States
Arcade Champs: 0
Profile Views: 922
[ 8 ]
11/11/2008 07:21:02 |
Pleasantville, Sgt. Bilko, Moving Violations, To Kill A Mockingbird, Good Burger, Paper Moon, Four Rooms, UHF, and Many, Many Others.
Classic Rock, Easy Listening, and Some Classical From The 40s Thru The 80s.
Greetings Everyone! My name is Peoria_Avenue. I was born, raised, and still residing in the wonderful city of Tulsa, Oklahoma. The lovely little house where I grew up was located just a few blocks off Peoria Avenue so now you know the origin of my screen name. I just live for the weekends as that is when the flea markets are open and people have their garage sales. For some reason, I have always preferred the atmosphere at a flea market or garage sale over that of a shopping mall any day! (Sadly I do believe that this is one of the reasons why my marriage ended five years ago. Apparently my ex-husband just didn't understand or appreciate my frugal ways. Oh well, this was just one more sign that we weren't right for one another and life is just too short to be unhappy, if you know what I mean.) I hope to meet other flea market/garage sale enthusiasts as well as those who like "ma and pa" variety stores.
Those Who Welcome Positive Change While At The Same Time Wanting To See Neat And Nifty Things From The Past Allowed To Remain Intact.
Hotheads, Know-It-Alls, Freeloaders, Heavy Drinkers, etc.
Ghost Towns, Flea Markets, "Ma and Pa" Variety Stores (Not Too Many Of These Are Left Though), Garage Sales, and Occasionally Thrift Stores.
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