Love, Peace & Compassion
Female 68 years old Stockton United States
Arcade Champs: 0
Profile Views: 1709
 [ 116 ]
03/09/2022 10:07:01 |
Lord of the Rings. Eragon. Most any move with Dragons, Wizards & Warloads. Animated: Happy Feet. Surf's up. Shrek.
Everything, except opera and Heavy Metal.
Lord of the Rings, Triology. Fantasy. Will think of some more later.
Most any shade of Purple. Purple blended or shaded with other colors.
Mexican, Italian, Seafood, Chinese, Steak & potato. Grilled cheese with Tomatoe soup. Will think of some more later.
Have a Safe and Happy

I am the mother of Triplet boys. They are 28 years old. My Occupation at this time is looking for a job. I came to Stockton in 1987. Born in LA. Raised on Table Mountain, near Chico. Also lived on a 200 acre cattle ranch in Bangor, CA. Lived in Palermo, outside Oroville, CA.

I don't like the fog. I have never been outside of the State of CA, except when my sister got married, or went to Lake Tahoe for fun. Dishonest people. Thiefs.

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