welcome to my world
Female 77 years old Longview United States
Arcade Champs: 0
Profile Views: 1413
[ 33 ]
Christian - other |
06/12/2014 01:25:45 |
I am really not much of a movie buff although I do like some of the classics "Gone with the wind",
"South Pacific" "Hawaii"
I also like mystery and suspence. I DO NOT LIKE
I like a good comedy.
I like lots of different kinds of music. It was always Country Western as I grew up. Then I
married one!!! lol! and we still listened.
I listen mostly to Contemporary Christain now I
really like "Casting Crowns" "Pots of Clay" Toby
Mack, Aaron Shusst.
Ilove to read Beth Moore, who is a christain author,
she writes wonderful Bible study series.
I love the word of God, who should always be my first choice in reading but isn't always the case.
I like detective,mystery,and suspence. I also love to read fun books,books that make me laugh.
I don't like books that use foul language and poor taste in content.
I love bold colors,Reds, yellows,purple,black greens,like, I really love sagey greens. I like black and white together. I love the colors of the rainbow.
Hi I'm Judi, I was born and raised and live in the state of Washington. I was raised in the country. I married my high school sweetheart.
I was 17 he was 19 when we married.
I really like the sunshine but not to warm 75 is perfect. I Love the Lord, and being His child. My best friends, and my family. I love massages and being pampered. I like Eeyore, Piglet and Tinkerbell. there are many more things I like but ya can't list em all. Oh yea! I have 3 sisters
We have a lot of fun when we can get together.
I don't like people who appear to be nice and then talk behind my back. I don't like lying cheating or dishonesty.
I don't like much of T.V. after the 80s.