Female 64 years old Askov, Minnesota United States
Arcade Champs: 0
Profile Views: 764
[ 13 ]
10/05/2017 17:14:10 |
Horror, thillers, Action packed, A little of everything.
Thillers, Science Fiction, Mystery, Suspense,Paranonormal,
Tomatoes and spaghetti,
favorite dinner to make is round steak, gravy, mashed potatoes and corn. Always turns out....
Thanks to all my friends here being supported even though I am not on much. Everyone have a great day.
I worked hard all my life. My husband of 33 years passed away 3 years ago. I am still farming with my daughter and her husband. Take care of the grand kids when they work. I do a lot crafts stuff to keep me busy when times are slow. I should say not so busy.
Spending time with my grand kids.
Horse back riding.
walking and walking the dogs.
Spending time with my friends and family
I don't like to work out of the home. (Job)
Horse back riding, walking Do stuff on the computer. Read Books. Listen to music, audio books, pour clean cook paint glaze ceramics. Gardening, canning veggies. Enjoying the piece and quite of the country.
Rascal_Rules has 3 friend(s)