Female 65 years old Pennsylvania United States
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Profile Views: 1696
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Christian - other |
09/04/2020 09:45:31 |
10th Kingdom
Stranger Than Fiction
Lady Hawk
and oh... lots more!
Wide variety: southern gospel to light jazz and lots in between. Legacy Five, Third Day, Michael Franks... I'll add more as I think of them
I have a great love for books: new, old, different shapes and hefts. Here are just a few of my favorites.
The greatest book, the "Holy Bible,"
"Evenor" and others by George McDonald,
"A Wrinkle in Time" and "A Ring of Endless Light" by Madeleine L'Engle,
"The Secret Garden," "The Little Pricess," and others by Frances Hodgson Burnett,
the Beatrix Potter stories...
A bit of a variety but all with one thing in common: they make me want to be a better person and, I believe, I am a wee bit better for having read them.
I've been trying to work on priorities and proprieties - in the midst of being a very busy girl!
I've been married almost 15 years. My hubby is truly amazing! (Just ask most people I know; they'll tell you that I've told them he's amazing!) Between us we have 7 kids and 13 grandkids. And... my step-son's step-son had a baby last year, so I'm a great-grandma too. Go figure!
I love Jesus and have been spending time with him, getting to know him better. I enjoy spending time with others who know him, and with those who have not yet met him. I love people! "I am analytical and contemplative by nature." That was in a recent fortune cookie. I don't take stock in those fortunes, but in this case, it's an apt description - of part of my nature anyway.
I work full-time as the office administrator for our church (aka church secretary). I also work a couple evenings a week waitressing at a locally-owned, family-oriented restaurant. The two jobs are very similar in that I just get everyone whatever they want as fast as I can and SMILE!
I don't currently have internet at home, so I can only visit the Hill here and there in my free time at work. Because of that, I've been reluctant to add friends; I don't know if I can give them the time they deserve. But I love visiting each of your pages and finding out a little about you. This seems such a friendly, giving place. Thanks for visiting mine. :-)
I'm working on a list of things that bring me joy & make me smile - inside and out.
What I like to do and what I end up doing are often two entirely different things. The 'tyranny of the urgent' usually strikes!
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