Female 79 years old Toledo, Washington United States
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Profile Views: 3554
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10/04/2021 13:27:48 |
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Apr 30 2008, 11:59 pm by Spelt
Apr 30 2008, 9:32 pm by Spelt
Apr 24 2008, 5:12 pm by Spelt
Apr 24 2008, 2:05 pm by Spelt
Apr 24 2008, 1:59 pm by Spelt
Comedy, adventure, thrillers, love stories, family feel good movies, but get real tired of violence and bad language! We subscribe to NetFlix and have recently been watching McLeods Daughters. It's an excellent series and are anxiously awaiting season 6 to be available on NetFlix. We are totally hooked on it. Here is the link if anyone is interested in checking it out. It's an Australian TV series.

Everything except rap, hard rock and opera. I love old time rock and roll and easy listening the best though.

I love historical novels, love stories, mysteries and currently my favorite author is Nora Roberts.

Purple comes first. But I also like blues, teals, and some greens.

Tacos heads the list! Strawberry shortcake is my favorite dessert, right up there with apple pie!

Mahala (my sister).

I'm a real homebody! I came from a larger family, 6 girls and two boys. I enjoy getting together with my family. We usually host Thanksgiving dinner and several will come. It's always great fun! This is my 3rd and last marriage. I have two sons and two grandsons. My grandsons live in NC and I don't see them very often. My husband has two children, one of each and his daughter has a boy and a girl and we don't see them much either.

Honesty.... for people to do what they say! I love to play scrabble, pinochle, cribbage and play pool on the computer with my husband. I love to watch things grow and hummingbirds....I have 5 feeders, one right outside my kitchen window. Walks on the beach after a storm. Spending time with my grandsons. Helping people.

To be lied to or to be used. Children pitching a hissy fit because they are told no. Drives me crazy! Reckless drivers. Selfish people. Know it alls. I don't like to watch the news it so depressing.

Reading, sewing, gardening, computer, but not necessarily in that order. I make all my own greeting cards, and calendars for my family. I knit dishrags and slippers, make quilts, tote bags, pillow cases.
