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mem_normal OFFLINE
77 years old
United States

Arcade Champs: 0
Profile Views: 1878
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Referrals: 2
Who referred me: BlueSkyOpenSpaces

Profile Views: 1879

JOB: Self employed
RELIGION: Christian - other
MEMBER SINCE: 01/01/2009
LAST LOGIN: 01/23/2010 18:00:45

Oh gosh....I haven't been to the cinema since 1978 ! I just can't see the screen because it's so large! So..I wait on the DVD's! I like many forums, but horror is right up there. However, one of my favorite of all movies is "Where the red fern grows"! I'll also always treasure "Lion King" , Beauty and the Beast, Titanic and Braveheart.

Oh I like almost anything. I suppose my favorite is Celtic, then alternative (Josh Groban for one). I like some classical (Canon in d), some futuristic (ff3 celes), Country....I"m not real picky when it comes to true "music" !

With my job, family and life, I don't have a lot of "spare" time to read. However...once I've accomplished my "task at hand"....then I drag out the books !

I enjoy everything about V.C. Andrews, and have read her complete library.

I also have all of the John Saul writings, that I've liked very much.

Hmmmm ...That changes, but I like blues and peach and sage for home decor.

I love hunter green, black, teal for wardrobe. Ok...so anything that matches jeans... : )

I'm not a big food buff, but I enjoy basics. Turkey is probably at the top of my list...or....and old fashioned "cream puffs" with homemade pudding inside ! Oh...and Hersheys Kisses, Pepsi, and of course....my coffee.





Well....for the time being, this illness and that of my parents, has kind of taken over my life. However,I want to try to keep my site up and going. But my energy and time is limited so If I don't respond to your lovely comments, please know that I've appreciated your warmth and friendships, and will respond as time allows. I also have a "myspace" that I'm trying to keep up...so this is a new adventure for me to tackle two such places at once : ) Thanks to those of you who haven't given up on me.

myspace comments

For me, family comes first. I have two grown sons, two daughter in laws, five grand-daughters, a step grand-daughter, step grandson - and a Marine grandson in law! Both sons bult homes out here on either side of me...and it's the absolute "best" of both worlds!!! I love having a sprawling place with family! At this writing I still have both my parents!!! My dad is 90, fighting esophageal cancer for three years now, and still comes to his factory every day from 7:00-4:30 !!! The doctors believe this alone contributes to his longevity. My mom is 87 - and an eleven year breast cancer survivor, and she continue to work with substance abuse ladies. Both are the most precious parents anyone could have been given. Oh yea...and my husband of 44 years, Jim! I just could not ask for more than I've been blessed with...

I have two dogs. JayDee and Carly, both Boston Terriers, and our cat, Mr Bojangles!!!
We have to refer to the Bostons as "Princess One" and Princess Two" - because they are : )

Jim and I live in the country, surrounded by woods and a stream...and I dearly love it here! I can watch the deer, wild turkeys, squirrels, racoons, cranes, pheasants, so many birds, and still hear the coyotes late at night.

I have a full time executive job, also family oriented. I follow my grand-daughters activities, but don't get caught up in the "drama" of clubs and organizations.

I must refer to myself as one with a "Maxine/Garfield" warped sense of humor...and although it might well cause you to shake your head....once you know me - you'll "get it" : ) But I'm very harmless : )

Oddly enough, I just enjoy the "quiet" ! Sometimes I feel kind of lonely even in the midst of a crowd, but I mostly enjoy just being at my home. So to answer the question given...I guess the best answer would be "home" and "family"!!

Well...there isn't enough room here for an entire book, so lets just say that I don't care for gossip, drama, lying, hypocrites or people trying to be what they aren't!

I love "uncondtionally", and forgive easily, but I just don't handle being fairy taled to, or people that assume a new identity in order to make themselves feel better about their own life. If this sounds judgmental, it wasn't meant to. It's just that life is short - and honesty and understanding works so much better ~

I've had plenty of years in my own life of that type of "drama"...so I sure don't look for it on the internet.

Believe it or not...I have none!!! I'm the least "crafty" person you'll know, and basically there is just no time for hobbies in my life (right now anyway). But I sure do enjoy other peoples talents!!

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