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mem_normal OFFLINE
76 years old
BOTHELL, Washington
United States

Arcade Champs: 0
Profile Views: 2297
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Who referred me: MamaGiraffe

Profile Views: 2298

JOB: Self employed
DRINK: Socially
RELIGION: Christian - other
MEMBER SINCE: 10/20/2008
LAST LOGIN: 04/03/2015 00:17:31

My Big Fat Greek Wedding, The Count of Monte Cristo.
Love old black and white movies and stars from the 30s and the 40s.
The Thin Man series' Cary Grant movies

Please, let me know if you have seen a really good movie you can recommend these days!!!

Everything from Golden Oldies, do wop, soul music, Andrea Bocelli, Cajun, country, the 40s and any good dance music.
If it's got a good beat and it's dance music, bring it on!!!

Praise & worship music and the old standard hymns.

Books by Debbie Macomber she lives not too far away from me across the waterin a town called Port Orchard. And no, I don't know her! I just love her writing.
Maeve Binchy, The Mitford series, good fiction without the trashy language and explicit activity.

Biographies are favorites: of the known and unknown subjects.Whether famous or unknown to us, we have so much we can learn from reading about the lives of others.

Books by Max Lucado, C.S. Lewis in the Christian selections.
Top the list with The Manufacturer's Handbook.


Salads, fresh pears, veggies steamed,tuna......I guess I have become a vegetarian without realizing it!

Swedish cookies

Chocolate should be considered a food group!

Haven't even given twitter a try. I just can't spend all of my time looking at screens-how about you?


Since I was in a car accident in June of 2009 , I couldn't sit here for too long for almost 2 years, but now life is returning to normal somewhat, so am revamping my whole profile page.

Oh, the everyday things we seem to take for granted until something like a car accident puts one in a far different place. I am thankful for how far I have come since that accident. I never realized how healthy and blessed I really was before that incident that set me on a journey of deep personal and spiritual experience and awakening in ways I never expected. God has taught me so much and I am truly blessed.

I hope to catch up with sending messages to some of you again. Apologies to all of you whom I have not kept in touch with for so long.

I am a Christian.
I am a wife, mother & Nana
My husband and I will be married for 42 years this coming March 2011
We have one son and a daughter
We have been blessed with one grandaughter and 2 grandsons.
We are in essence, helping our daughter for the most part in raising our grandson who lives with us.
Retirement didn't exactly turn out like we planned, and we have had to make huge adjustments, but we are thankful and grateful for all that we have been given.Life lessons-Wow!
Our youngest grandson has Autism and this has completely changed us and how we think and live.
I am mostly Swedish and originally Canadian born, but came to the U.S. as a baby.
I go BAREFOOT as much as possible! I hate having to wear shoes!!!
I absolutely LOVE to dance and dance around the house whenever there's some good music on the stereo. Our grandson can really rock out with me and you would never know the Autism exists.
We believe that having 3 generations of us in one home is greatly affecting his huge strides and accomplishments in his everyday walk in life.

Jesus, my husband of almost 42 years,our son & daughter and three grandchildren, my Jack Russell Terrier.I like being kind toward others. I love little MICE-not real ones of course! Any little ceramic or glass mouse or wood mouse or...well you get the idea-oh yes, and little watercolors of mice and drawings and on & on... The smell of fresh linens, going bare foot all year round, wind chimes singing in the breeze, the ocean, sunsets over the water,hummingbirds,birds singing and chirping when spring and summer arrive, chocolate anything(!), a cup of really good coffee-anytime!, Swedish friends and all things Swedish (including Swedish e-mailing friends).Hello my Swedish friends! I like truth and honesty, loyalty and REAL friends.
Perfume favorites: Hanae Mori and Chanel No.5
The smell of fresh baked chocolate chip cookies, bread and banana bread......I love to bake, but it comes to a halt when the weather gets hot-no turning on the oven in the house then! I collect pens of all kinds and especially love to write with gel pens-yep, I'm weird! I still like to send cards through the real mail.

WOULD LOVE TO HAVE SWEDISH FRIENDS. Being mostly Swedish myself I love to hear news from the land of my Swedish family. I don't write in Swedish though! would love to exchange emails or messages here at the Hill.

Those who use others in any way
Abusers of children and women
Hot and humid weather-nothing over 72F Please!
Coffee that tastes like dirt, mud or perfume
Perfumes that are waaaaaay too strong
Stinky feet
Smelly, stinky fish-especially sardines!
Not being able to work in my garden since the car accident-I truly miss the pleasure of it
Slugs, worms and snails
Snakes freak me out!!!
When people keep rattling their shopping bags-drives me nuts
Pickled herring (guess I'm not a good Swede :) )
Trying to get all of the graphics figured out on here!!!

I love to read,wordsmith, counted crosstitch, all kinds of needlework, planting new flowers and gardening, crafting indoor topiaries, word games and cryptograms. I enjoy my little Jack Russell Terrier, browsing 'the hill'. !Collecting mice (the not live type)and have a crystal & glass collection of hummingbirds as gifts from family-I'd go broke if I tried buying them myself! I love to read so have lots & lots of books-everywhere in the house.I also seem to have a large collection of reading glasses everywhere in the house as well.....hmmmmm

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10/19/2021 06:50:38

10/19/2021 06:49:21

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