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I know no strangers, only friends I haven't met.

71 years old
United Kingdom

Arcade Champs: 0
Profile Views: 3712
[ 8975 ]

Referrals: 14
Who referred me: Starlite_Angel

Profile Views: 3713

JOB: Unemployed
SMOKE: Sometimes
DRINK: Sometimes
RELIGION: Protestant
MEMBER SINCE: 06/28/2008
LAST LOGIN: 08/16/2009 02:29:44

Arcade Champion: Danny
My High Score: N/A

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This is Dixie, our 8 month old Black Lab.

Mama Mia !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Number 1 in my book,
Hancock, Gone With The Wind, Shawshank Redemption, Fried Green Tomatoes, Steel Magnolias and The Harry Potter Series to name a few.

About early America, pirates, dragons and magicians, suspense, most anything.

The beautiful colors of the Rainbow and a lot of their combinations! See how easy to please I am?

USA Missing Kids
Click on this banner and a separate window will open for you to view the missing children of any state. Please, YOU could make a difference! Going on a trip? Look at the faces first, you never know!

Click on this banner and a separate window will open for you to view the missing children. Please, YOU could make a difference! Going on holiday? Look at the faces first, you never know!

Mexican!!! But, I also enjoy Italian and have become accustomed to English.

August 14,2009

Hiya My Friend,

It has been far too long since I have visited any of you, but you have been in my heart and thoughts.

I will try to get my part of The Hill up to date withint the next few days, so come back now, ya hear?!

Until we meet again ... may there be many Blessings, peace all around & happiness in all you do.

Your Loving Friend,

Tommie Lea

From birth until the present:

I have lived in North Carolina, Texas, Illinois, Texas, Oklahoma, Texas(see a pattern here?), Georgia, Texas, Alabama, Arizona, Texas.

I now live in England with my British husband, Don,and our 9 month old black labrador, Dixie.

Click on the banner above and a separate window will open to the Soldier's Angels website.

Click on the flag and a separate window will open to the POW/Mia's website.

Is there anyone (past or present)in ANY branch of military service you would like to honor by placing their picture on the Wall? There is NO fee. It could be a great-grandfather to a young nephew, or even a dear friend, a finace or a spouse... this is to show respect to whoever it is. Click the mini-wall above and a separate window will take you to The Soldier's Wall.

Being outdoors for picnics, leisurely walks, photography, horseback riding, motorcycle rides, gardening, exploring, etc.

Indoors, I like computing, card & board games, chatting with friends and family, Sunday dinners with my loved ones, museums, and the theater.

Dishonesty,bullies and their followers, cruelty of any kind, racism, crimes against Mother Earth, drama, self centered people, etc.

Photography, crocheting, computing, gardening, motorcycle rides, walks along the beach or in the fells.

Click on the banner to go straight to the group in another window.

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06/18/2021 06:28:55

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