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71 years old
Edmonton, AB.

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Profile Views: 5812
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Profile Views: 5813

MEMBER SINCE: 04/30/2008
STAR SIGN: Sagittarius
LAST LOGIN: 12/21/2017 00:35:45

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Apr 28 2017, 11:05 pm by WildLieber
1 58
Apr 17 2017, 10:20 pm by WildLieber
4 52
Apr 13 2017, 12:59 am by WildLieber
11 90
My Topics: 3   Guest Topics: 0
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Science Fiction, Astronomy, Astrology, Our Solar System and Universe. Archaeology and Archaeological research and discovery programs, Anything John Wayne or Clint Eastwood, Westerns, Educational programs and Wildlife movies. Also programs about our Earth and the Beauty that is abundant on Earth such as snowy mountains, scenic forests, Our wonderful Wildlife and Nature in general.

WildLieber - Member of NWF

**After viewing the Kitaro-Matsuri Live video or the MY IMMORTAL (Evanescence) Hart Twins video you will see several Fotos appear. Click on any one of them and that will take you to that particular music of Harp Twins or Kitaro's. Kitaro is bar none one of the best musicians today. Kitaro can play over 120 musical instruments. If you enjoy Beautiful Relaxing music then you must listen to Aldo Solo Relaxing Guitar. The first video on my list. This man just oozes with talent. His music is absolutely Beautiful and so relaxing.

I like all music with the exception of Rap and country.
I thouroughly enjoy Luciano Pavaratti Opera & Classical Rock as well as 2CELLOS.
Kitaro & Enya are two of my Favorite Musicians

Uncrowned King - the Life of Prince Albert
The Story of Robin Hood
PC & Web Creation books
Historical autobiographies of Famous people
Archeology & past civilizations
Jean Auel Novels

Sky Blue is my most favorite blend of Blue color although I do like the darker blues also. When I wear my Blue/grey suit it looks very good and I appear to look more presentable when I have a blue shirt, jacket, suit etc. on so it does appear that Blue suits me better than any other color in the spectrum.

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If it is good tasting food, I like it. I like to eat but I don't over indulge when eating. I like to try anything I have never had before.
My cannot resist food is "Cheesecake"

Roberta Jaggard Schulte.
She has no notoverthehill profile but can be contacted on Facebook.
Second contact is: Theresa Moffat - my Sister
She can also be contacted via Facebook

To all my Friends:
Please be aware that the Profile Pages "WildLieber" and "HerrWildLieber" are both my pages. You are welcome to visit them both
and leave a comment or foto in my guestbook. Double Click on my profile foto below to go to my HerrWildLieber page.

HerrWildLieber HerrWildLieber

May 28, 2017 Keeping my fingers crossed that all works out at work. I recently moved to the main site at work where all the executives are at. Have a different type of position other than regular Security. I am now doing mostly computer work where I log in all the hourly reports, Monitor the video cameras, check and post customer service complaints, dispatch S/A's Security Associates, and record and file all the info that needs to be kept on a daily/hourly time period. Keeps a person hopping most every minute of the night. Our weather here is slowly warming up. We have had a real rotten weather pattern this past Winter, lots of temperature ups & downs and a fair bit of rain, cool weather at the end of Winter. Summer is slow in coming this year. The wife has to go in for another operation, number five. We sure will be happy when this all comes to an end & our lives get back to normal or as normal as it can be. Her blood clots were safely removed but now she has cavity collapses in her legs so they have to fix that. Will it never end. Not much else happening in our lives at the moment.

On a Lighter note...
~ ~ Some of you may wonder why I have photos of business signs in my album. The reason being is I am a big user of ActiveWorlds where I have been a Citizen for almost 20 years. That is a free program where you can visit, make friends, and build anything you like, all in 3-D. I like to build cities and parks & make them look like real life is to us humans. It is a very good program and originally it cost to be a citizen but part of the membership cost went to the World Child Find Assn. which is why I had decided to join it in the first place as this helped the children who were lost or displaced throughout the world. I was befriended by an actor Mr. Lars Wyka who taught me how to build for several months before he let me go it on my own. Lars has acted in several movies and he also acted with his good friend Chuck Norris. Lars and I are still friends to this day even though he is no longer on AW. He is now a keeper of the wildlife, an enviromentalist if you will & he travels the country photographing & looking out for Mother Natures critters. I love children but Unfortunately I do not have any of my own. I was not blessed with the honor of being a Father or Dad in my life and that makes children all the more precious to me. I did not marry till late into my 30's and that lasted only six years. Then I was single again or rather a divorcee for 13 years till I married again in my late 50's. So this is why all the business signs in my album as my hobby is creating cities, parks, etc and I need the pic signs to make it all real. Wishing you all a most wonderful Day and maybe I will see some of you in ActiveWorlds if this is your thing or enjoyment and you wish to join. My Citizen name in there is: lieber. Have fun everyone & I hope to see you around notoverthe hill.

June 23, 2017 ... Up to date events. Sorry my friends I have been very busy as of late &
have had no chance to reply to all the beautiful photo post comments you have sent me.
My Wife is again in the hospital in ICU as she has had a relapse from her last surgery &
I just about lost her this time as her BP dropped to 19 but they stabalized her to 24 before taking her into the OR for a 6 hour operation. What with my job & looking after the home & our pets I have not had much time for anything. You may notice that my Ancestral spinning wheel in here has dis-appeared.
I am not sure how that happened & I do not have the link or a backup for it as it is very old & was posted over seven years ago.
When I have more time I will post a new photo pictorial of my ancestral heritage line so be patient for now please. I am just too busy right now to fix that problem. I do hope you all understand. Best Wishes to you all.
Have a Most Wonderful Day my friends.
When things settle down I will be back to post with you all. Most likely by the end of July 2017. Take Care everyone. Your Canadian Friend,
Cameron, WildLieber......
If you look below my "About Me" section, you will see a spinning photo wheel. The Photos contained therein are a pictoral history of my Ancestral Heritage. For those of you who know your history, you will see photos of Prince Albert - Prince Consort, the forgotten King who was my Ancestral 4th Cousin, four times removed. You will also see Kaiser Wilhelm and Kaiser Wilhelm II as well as Princess Victoria, Prince Albert's Daughter. All of whom were my relatives.
Also there are the 'House of Hanover' Royal Arms and Banner circa 1242 - 1918. Also herein is my own Coat of Arms and Prince Albert's Coat of Arms, and the Royal coat of Arms of the 'House of Hanover' All these emblems are tied into my Ancestral Family history as my grandfather was a descendant of the 'Royal House of Hanover'. He was known as Prince Herman August of the 'House of Hanover'. Unfortunatly WWI destroyed all this wonderful heritage thanks to Adolph Hitler. Now all these emblems are for historical knowledge only and I or my family lay no claim to the Germanic Royal line as it was all lost to history in 1918. It is very interesting however to know that I came from such a noble line and that my Ancestral history dates back to the 11th century...the Magna Carta erra and possibly further back than that era as well...
If you look in "My Gallery" you will see these photos with the description caption included. ...enjoy my friends, and have a Wonderful Day.

I am 5' 11" tall. weigh 210 IBS. Average frame. I have green eyes. There used to be an old saying about green eyes that goes like this "Beware of the man with eyes of green, he'll kiss you where you can't be seen" cute huh. My dad told me that when I was a young man and I have never forgotten it. God rest his soul. My dad passed away in 1982 at the young age of 59. I sure do miss him a lot. Anyway, back to me. I was raised in the European style which is to say. I was taught to be honest, kind, loving, law abiding, and to respect my elders or I would feel the wrath of my dad. It taught me a lot and I am a much better person for it, thank-you Dad. I like to take photos with my Canon S2IS Powershot camera as I use them to create fancy stationery for OE - Outlook Express. My stationery is set to nice music and very picturesque backgrounds. I also do screensavers and wallpaper. If you like this kind of thing. Drop me a line and I may consider sending you a stationery page that you can use to send emails to your friends, but you must use Outlook Express in order for it to work. I also am very active in my ActiveWorlds program. www.activeworlds.com which is a 3D program where you can chat & make friends and also make your own cities, parks, home, counties, highways or anything you can think of. It is a great program for creators and especially for architects. I have several cities there myself and have been a citizen in ActiveWorlds for Twenty years. I also enjoy bowling and at one time, I was a bowling coach and a member of the master bowling association of Canada. I taught bowling and the technique of how to get a strike every time. I rather enjoyed it but the group I was affiliated as a master bowler with was rather clicky and loved to booze it up. I didn't fit in apparently so I finally let my membership lapse and I have long since moved away from that town where I grew up so that ended that. I also enjoy golfing once in a while but like most activities, I hate doing it by myself so a lot of the time, I just don't bother. I love all kinds of music with the exception of rap and country. I can take country for awhile but then all that poor me, he left me, he done me wrong stuff tends to drive me nutso. My favorite kinds of music is classical rock and easy listening. Pink Floyd, Nana Mouskouri, Enya, Kitaro, and Luciano Pavarotti are some of my most favorite artists. In movies, Harrison Ford is my nemises, John Wayne, and Michael Douglas are my favorites. I love movies and enjoy watching them on my 54" hdtv. This gives you just a bit of info about me. Oh yes, I love christmas with all its pretty scenes, lights, good food etc. So "Fröhliche Weihnachten". That means "Merry Christmas" in German. Have a Wonderful Day and Please Take Care....WildLieber ... Cameron

July 08, 2014
My beautiful wife Roberta and I were married on April 10th 2009 (Good Friday) Life is so much better for me now and I must say that we are very happy with our life together.
Onwards and upwards. Life is great!

My own created Quote...
which I think is very close to my way of life.

"Life is Precious. Nurture it, Care for it,
Love it, Do not destroy it for it will never appear again".

Quote by: Cameron Schulte


Einstein called time a river. It speeds up, It slows down, and meanders around the stars. In a fatalistic sense, the river takes us where it wants our lives to go. We can not escape it. We are along for the ride. We are all captives of time.

Below is a picture slide of Terrace, B.C. Canada. The city where I grew up. A very Beautiful area. No matter where I hang my hat this city will always be home. ENJOY.

"Sleeping Beauty Mountain"

Cam's Anniversary Mustang

There are so many things I like, it is hard to name them all but below are my mosy favorite and most accessed likes.

~ I like working with PC Electronics.
~ I am an avid photographer

~ Working in my Active Worlds Program
~ I especially like to work in my friendship
Programs which are:


I own a 2004 - 40th Anniversary Limited Edition Mustang Convertible
of which only 1000 were produced in Canada. Mine which is a beautiful Scarlet Red color with grey stripes is in pristine Showroom Condition and has very low mileage. Because of my love of beautiful cars, especially Mustangs I belong to several Mustang Groups such as:

AMOA - Alberta Mustang Owners Assn.
Mustang Owners Club of Germany
815 Mustangs
Edmonton Area Mustang Group
to name a few.

I especially don't like bossy domineering manipulative persons or people who like to argue or think they are better than the rest of us. If you are not a friendly happy person, then you do not want to associate with me as I will not reciprocate towards you.

See "What I like" info.

Displaying 4 out of 10 comments
11/28/2023 19:14:23

05/03/2020 13:11:31

Wishing you a wonderful day.... Take care, debijo

02/28/2020 19:29:12

Αποτέλεσμα εικόνας για Happy Weekend gif

02/22/2020 02:58:32

Good Luck ! Happy Day ! gif by conp3 | Photobucket

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