'Friendship isn't about whom you have known the longest; but about who came and never left your side'.
Male 76 years old Mulberry, Florida United States
Arcade Champs: 0
Profile Views: 2592
    [ 627 ]
Christian - other |
11/11/2014 17:40:07 |
Like most types of movies but like action movies the best.
Cliff Hanger
All of The Pirates Of The Caribbean
Dances With Wolves
All types but favor the 60's music. No Rap.
Stephen King and Dean Koontz.
Mexican, Italian, seafood and Food..LOL
Hello everyone,
Sorry I was gone so long but I am still living and breathing which is a good thing. Had a lot going on in my life and still do but things are getting better. I did lose my brother who was two years younger than me and have lost several family members since I have been gone.
I am retired now. I sold my tractor trailer four years ago. I like to stay active and love to travel. Like making new friends and hardly ever meet a stranger. I was born and raised in the Finger Lakes Region of New York State and moved to central Florida in 1973. My wife and I have a cocker spaniel, 7 cats, 1 bird and a bearded dragoon. I also have a 37 year old daughter and two granddaughters that are 12 and 17.
Riding my Harley, wolves, fishing, scuba diving, NASCAR, traveling and making new friends.
Know it all's and rude people. People that are cruel to animals. Liver and squash.
Mortorcycle riding, fishing, scuba diving and building computers.