About me
Female 76 years old Tennessee United States
Arcade Champs: 0
Profile Views: 1173
[ 30 ]
Christian - other |
03/03/2013 19:18:10 |
my favorite: Dirty Dancing, Ghost, anything with Patrick Swayze :)
Love a good mystery
Blue, yellow, earth tones,
Mexican, Italian, Anything I can't have.......
David turned 6 months old yesterday, he had his (hopefully) last surgery the 12 of Feb & is doing very well. He is up to 11 pounds now & is so so sweet. I will be glad when he starts reaching for things & playing. He still dosen't like being "messed" with, I think because of all that he has had to indure. He & his Mom are in the process of setting up their own place now. I just pray she can handle everything on her own, but won't know until she tries & she knows I will be there for her as long as I can be, even though I will soon be moving closer to my daughter, I'll still only be 4 hours away from them.
I was born & raised on a farm in Western Nebraska. I have 6 brothers & sisters.
I raised 5 children, 4 boys & 1 girl, I have 2 grand sons & a grand daughter who lives with me, she recently gave birth to a 1 lb 15 oz, 13 inch baby boy; who is doing good for being so tiny.
I have 2 small dogs with more energy than I will ever have.
People who try to be something they aren't.
Liars & theives
sewing, jig saw puzzles, (especially Thomas Kincaid), reading, computer & my wonderful grandchildren