Title: Interesting 'recall'
Blog Entry: When I saw a note that there was a major food recall, I obviously decided to check it out.  Wow. It's mainly Chinese food. I  think my jaw dropped, lol: Chicken feet??? (it was Spicy chicken feet)   Nope. I like 'chicken' (mainly white meat)--but I had no idea people actually eat chicken feet!     I've already deleted that email, so I can't check to see what other items were on that list. But Chinese items were what jumped out at me. Of course--I admit, I'm mainly a Midwestern American 'eater'. I am not a big meat eater (though my husband is). I grew up with beef & potatoes as our staples.  And 'common' veggies: peas, corn, numerous types of beans, etc.  And even on my grandparents' farm, they didn't cook the 'feet'. (That's another story I've already told here)