Female 71 years old Rotonda West, Florida United States
Arcade Champs: 0
Profile Views: 1521
[ 4 ]
06/30/2010 09:57:20 |
New Country, not the twangy stuff.
Steak - most junk food. . .bad Cindi!
I am an eBay seller and vendor of red hat stuff here in the state of Florida. I ship all over the world. I do this to help supplement hubbies pension. I was born in Ohio and moved to Florida in 1980 with my first husband and children. Divorced in 1999 after 27 yesrs (what can I say, I am not a quitter). Remarried in 2002 to a lovely British man, moved to England for 5 years and now that husband is retired we are back in Florida.
Discussing politics or religion.
People who are chronic late arrivers.
Too busy for hobbies - I am nearly 2 years behind on my scrap books.
baronessofbling has 6 friend(s)