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Bonnie Rose

76 years old
United States

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Profile Views: 2844
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JOB: Retired
RELIGION: Christian - other
MEMBER SINCE: 08/18/2010
LAST LOGIN: 12/27/2019 14:53:38

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Jul 21 2018, 2:22 pm by bbragsdale
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Comedy usually! Dirty Dancing is my all time favorite movie. Don't like horror or sci-fi movies.

Old Time Rock and Roll, Love Bob Segar, Jim Croce, Elvis, and all classical music. Like Country music but it makes me sad, so therefore, I don't listen to it real often.

Robin Cook, Fern Michaels. I need to read the Bible more and have gotten a new one with large print. Love James Patterson,Belva Plain. My favorite is medical mysteries, guess because I used to be a surgical nurse. I love nothing better than a good book, a cup of coffee and my dogs at my feet, on my back deck. Sometimes the squirells get curious and scamper onto the deck for a look. love that, especailly the dogs reaction!

Red and Yellow.. Love all colors but am crazy about red for clothes and yellow roses. However all colors of the rainbow are a runner up. I do not like dull colors, guess I am am just a loud old gal! That's o.k. I enjoy all of nature, and her colors, especially spring time colors.

Steak on the grill. Love to cook, and my hubby does the grilling, and I do the rest. We are Southern and like to cook with ham and pork in our veggies, hence, I am fluffy!!!! LOL

Don't even know how!!!

J H Lawson, my very best friend forever for over 35 years!

Hello friends, I have been gone quiet awhile, sort of got addicted to FB! I enjoy talking with my friends on the computer because I am a hermit at heart. I have had a different mind set lately though. My 34 year old daughter had a baddddd car wreck in March, and is still recovering. I take her to physical therapy 3 days a week and help her at her part time job 2 times each week. So we are basically gone from home 5 days a week. So much for being a hermit. LOL! She is better but sees a surgeon tomorrow for a date for her next surgery to repair damaged nerves in her arm. I look forward to her full recovery, and to getting out for social activities more often. I plan to check in often to see how evreybody is doing and say hellooooooooo! From the beautiful mountains of Virginia I send love and good days to you allllll!

I have been married to a great man for 37 years, have a terrific step daughter, and a wonderful daughter, and a delightful 11 year old grand daughter. I was a surgical nurse for some years until my daughter was born. Then I became a stay at home wife and mom. What a great job, if I had known I loved it as much as I do I would have married really young and had a house full of kids! I decided to open a consignment shop when my youngest went away to college, needed a new focus. I had a great time, my shop was in an antique mall, which I enjoyed a lot. I met a lot of new friends and had great customers. My husband retired 5 years ago and so I closed my business so we could hang out and do stuff. We have had a great time traveling and spending time with our kids. We are building a new home with a mountain view and this fall I will sit on my front porch and look at our mountain and think God is Goodddddddddd! I am a hermit, love my home and usually can be found in or around it somewhere. Everybody who knows me thinks I am a outgoing social butterfly, and I can be, but deep inside I am shy. I tend to look at people through their deeds and not what they say, I enjoy my family and pets and life. I have a wonderful sense of humor, and a relationship with God that will get me through anything this world will throw at me.

My family and dog, my friends and life in general! God is good and good to me and mine. I love to sit on my deck and read, a good cup of coffee,and to bake something sweet and yummy for my family. I love to watch my dog play and nap, and anything else he do. Pets are one of Gods greatest gifts to us. I love to spend time with my 11 year old grand daughter, having tea parties and laughing and watching her grow. Dates with my hubby! I LOVE my church Hollywood Baptist, and my church family! They are my constant reminder that people are good and evil has not completely taken over the world!

SNAKES, mean people, liars, cheats, abuse of any kind and snobs! World unrest and war, world hunger, and the pain and suffering of all people and animals .

Painting, reading, cooking, people watching, antique malls and flea markets

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