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Exercise is good for the body and the mind.

mem_normal OFFLINE
49 years old
Naples, Florida
United States

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JOB: Self employed
MEMBER SINCE: 06/14/2009
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LAST LOGIN: 08/31/2009 18:18:21

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Horror movies and the ones with alot of action and adventure. Also Sci fi movies.

Metallica and groups like that, I like the loud rock and roll music. I guess you call the head banding stuff. My neighbors do.

Books about cars, I guess the books I read would be classified as machanical type books.

The color of the rainbows I see when I ride.

Anything that I can put in my mouth, I like to eat, except suski. I tried it once but nahh not for me.

Don't do the twit bit.

As my friend and neighbor DJSUNNYSIDE would have to be my contact. She's pretty neat for an older woman. She really listens to me and my problems and tries to help me alot.

WELCOME TO MY PAGE, sorry I have been away for awhile as I was in the process of moving my store and that has been keeping me very busy. It will take me another couple of weeks to get it set up the way i liek it. my new store that it.
djsunnyside, is helping me set it up and helping me with the NOTH Layouts to find a nice one for my page. So as I am new to this place be patient with me and enjoy my page. Please come and visit again. And as I'm not a religious person please don't try to "convert" me as I am happy the way I am.

I own a Bike Shop in town and work 6 days a week. I just took park in the Triathlon, which I do every year and came in 3rd this year. I collect bike parts from all over the place and fix them up to donate them to the shelters here to be used by others who need them and at Christmas I have a bunch that I give to the kids that don't have a bike and want one. They are always so grateful. I just like to work on anything mechanical anyway. Bikes or cars.

Riding my bike and watching the birds. I love feeding the birds in my backyard and Dee bought me something so they can take a little bath. I just love nature and all animals. I like cats, dogs all kinds of pets. And I'm learning this computer stuff alittle bit. But I work too much to spend alot of time on it. I love to met new poeple. I meet many at my work from all over the world. Never knew so many people rode bikes.

Drunks, Druggies, Liars and Cheats. I don't like people who are mean to others. Or mean to animals. I meet people at work who just tell stories and make up so many lies in them that I'd rather just hear the truth. They exaggerate to the point where you know it's a lie. I don't like the war. I don't like people who try to cram their religions down my throat.

Riding my bike, fixing things. Learning new stuff from my books. Visiting the beach. Riding in the rain, I love the smell. Taking pictures with my new camera. I'm just learning so they are not that good yet, but I'm still trying. It's not a very expensive camera but it's a start.
Helping others, not so mucha hobbie but a goal I try to do something good for someone everyday.

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