Male 92 years old dundee Scotland
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Profile Views: 1959
    [ 1540 ]
Christian - other |
07/22/2012 13:10:59 |
Any good-quality thriller-type and films that make you think up until the last reel.
Most made-for-television movies.
Middle-of-the road type and also nostalgic standards from 'way back.
Special liking for Rod Stewart and his American Song-Book albums.
Not a lot of time for reading as my hobbies plus computer work seem to absorb the leisure time that is available.
Ah, Roast beef, accompanied by lashings of
Scalloped Potatoes.
Not much to declare --- retired from a very happy 40 years at University Of Dundee where I was engaged in the supervision of all works relating to the Building trade, working out of the Estates and Buildings Office.
Having reached the age of 75 I am inclined to relax a bit more.
My sports were lots of golf and the earlier part of my life was taken-up with Olympic Weight-Lifting.
Not much going-on in my life apart from chatting with the good friends I meet in Cyberland.
Pleasant landscapes, well-tended gardens, the dawn chorus of birds in and around the garden.
All animals, especially dogs, with the White West Highland Terrier being my all-time favourite breed.
Pleasant, out-going people who are not afraid to mix and share experiences of life with others.
Shallow and egotistic folk.
The thought at the moment of all the unrest in the world.
The thought at the moment of the consequences of the Fuel strike at Scotland's only refinery.
The upsets that this brings to the General Public as the price of petrol at the pumps has rocketed to over £5 per gallon !!!!
Gardening, photography ( digital now )
Art in some forms, mostly painting.
Hanging of painting exhibitions for sale with the proceeds going towards Cancer Research Funding
( So far upwards of £16 million have gone into Research due to the hard work of the committees I am involved with )
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