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83 years old
Birmingham, Alabama
United States

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Profile Views: 2644
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Profile Views: 2645

JOB: Homemaker
RELIGION: Christian - other
MEMBER SINCE: 04/11/2008
STAR SIGN: Sagittarius
LAST LOGIN: 05/28/2018 14:31:04

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Feb 02 2011, 6:51 pm by bjptl
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Jan 05 2009, 12:28 am by bjptl
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I love the movies!! My husband and I used to go a lot until the prices became so high. Even the seniors price isn't cheap.(There is one movie theater that has seats for $1.00. They are movies that have been out a while)I like a good tear jerker. I call them 10 handky movies.HA HA. I like mysteries,comedy and some action movies.I think George Clooney is a real "hunk".LOL.

I am particular about what I listen to in music. I like smooth jazz,Oldies,Christian and some country music.My husband "makes"me listen to classical sometimes.I think music speaks to the soul. It has been a big part of my life.

I'm not much for reading,unless it's something that I need -like self help or cookbooks. I do read my craft and sewing magazines. I read my Bible as well.(need it the most!)

I like color period. The brighter the better. My favorite is teal/aqua. I'm not crazy about "bland"colors such as brown or black or gray. I do like pastels sometimes too.

It's hard for me to pick a favorite food,because I love to cook and bake. I do love anything chocolate. My favorite snacks are popcorn and ice cream.( not together,however!!)I really enjoy a good steak, but I like chicken and hamberger too.

Here it is late Feb.! Since I last updated you I have gone to my 50th high school class reunion in Illinois. What a blast.We had over 100 come. There were about 7 of us who had gone all the way through grade school together. That was fun seeing them again. --- Late November my husband ended up in the hospital from his daibetes.His blood sugar level was 900!!! It sure scared me. He was in for 4 days. He is type 2 but his Dr. has started him on a low dose of insulin.We still don't have it totally figured out yet,but he is much better. ---Had a bitter cold winter for Alabama. I'll be glad whaen it's over!

I am 67 years young and married to a 75 years young husband.He enjoys a variety of hobbies too. He helps me with designs and patterns and such. He is much more artistic than I.---I grew up in central Illinois,lived in Germany for two years with my first husband. We had two sons.My second husband had two sons and a daughter, So we raised 5 kids together.(his wife had passed away) That was a real challenge,but I'm not sorry I did it. We have a great family.----I worked as a Home Health Aid for about 10 years,mostly with elderly people. I loved it.I can't think of anything else rilght now.

I like listening to the rain hitting the roof. I like people in general.I really like spending time with my grandchildren and family. I like learning about this machine they call a computer even though I am a novice.I like good friends.You know, the kind who loves you any way when you really blow it!

I don't like extreme heat or cold.( does anybody know of a place with the perfect climate??)LOL.--I don't like to be lied to or decieved.I don't like all the violence on TV and in movies these days.(have walked out of some movies)I don't like asparagass,lima beans,greens or grits (a southern thing). I don't like to be kept waiting.I think it's rude.

Here I could go on forever! I have so many interests. My first love is sewing. I have two sewing machines and a serger along with everything else needed to get the project done.I am currently sewing Crazy Quilt purses with lots of embelishments for pizzaz. I make things to give as gifts and to sell.--I also enjoy scrapbooking( my latest endeavor), making earrings with beads,ribbon embroidery,painting on T-shirts/sweatshirts and the list goes on and on.I guess you could say I like to keep busy.

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12/01/2021 08:58:38

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