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Tag: challenge
Viewing 1 - 5 out of 8 Blogs.
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I’ve never been a big fan of zoos, unless I could go with young children, especially our grandchildren. Watching ‘little people’ delight in animals, no matter the size or reputation, seems to show a mutual respect between animals and children. I don’t like watching animals pacing back and forth in their enclosure. I suppose for many people, it is a treat to see real live animals from far away places; animals that they would normally only see in photos books.We have visited one exotic ani... Read More
It has been quite a week, just in time for my next blog in my second round of the A to Z Blog Challenge. Most of my friends know that we live in a rural area, and we lack some of the “amenities” of those living in the city. Our Internet service has been slower than slow, but in spite of that fact, the company has insisted for years that 0.02 to 2.1 ghrz download speed is average, and worthy of their charges for “high-speed” Internet service. They will not upgrade any equipment until ther... Read More
It was September of 1958, and most of my nursing classmates were the same age as me, fresh out of high school and away from home for the first time. Life had certainly taken a turn.We had three weeks of classes to learn some basic nursing skills before our first assignment. In addition, we were also taught us how to properly “assemble” our uniform, and the importance of being on time. We were reminded to show respect to both the doctors and the patients wherever we met them. We still wondere... Read More
The first time I was told to consider writing blogs in the A-Z Challenge, I told my friend that I didn’t have time, didn’t know what I would write about, and to leave it to others who were better writers. Another friend reminded me that I always have lots to say (invited or not), so what would be so hard about writing a blog. When I finally did get started, it got my ‘old brain’ in gear, and I started to enjoy the exercise of deciding on a topic for each letter, and getting my thou... Read More
In my growing up years, a trip to Banff National Park was a special treat, often including members of my mother’s family. She grew up in a large family, on a farm in central Alberta where there was always a lot of work to do. There were times, between the spring seeding season and the autumn harvesting season, that a trip to the mountains was possible. I don’t remember that anyone had a trailer, but those who could stay overnight were snug in their tent, or in a cozy cabin. Of course, there... Read More
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