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Tag: christmas
Viewing 1 - 5 out of 18 Blogs.
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The last month of 2021 is upon us…31 days on the calendar..we will welcome old man Winter in a few weeks. A busy month it will be indeed. Are you ready? ... Read More
Our Canadian Thanksgiving has come and gone, November has arrived, and we've just experienced our first snowstorm of the season. It has been quite a year, and christmas is just around the corner. This year, we are being encouraged to shop early because supply may be a challenge. I am so happy that I don't have to go shopping. Years ago, our two adult children suggested that we should find a christmas project to donate to, because none of us needed anything. We agreed with their request that if w... Read More
Music is a major part of my day each day. I do everything (but watch TV) with music going. I have several devices that play recorded music. I have a tiny tape player, a CD player, a larger tape player, etc. I even have players on my PC, laptop... you get the picture.I have organized my selections according to the device. I have "The Golden Oldies" playing on CD on a small portable unit. I have a tiny portable that is dedicated to the Beatles. I also have... Read More
My late husband, Ray, known to his friends, clients, and colleges as “Doc” was a psychologist by trade. One of his doctorates however was in religion. He did not have a denominational church, but did teach Christian philosophy to a small group.Ray and I had only been married about two years, but his tradition of going to downtown Dallas and picking up homeless people for the holidays had continued. We would rent a bus (school bus) and bring back homeless people for a christmas prayer meeting... Read More
There are a couple of "coal in the stocking stories" my grandmother used to tell me.One: A proud but poor man had 3 daughters that had reached the age to marry. The problem was, he had no dowry to give them. Through christmas magic; Sainta Clause secretly gave the family enough money to allow their daughters to start their lives out with their new husbands.He did this by placing the money in some stockings that were drying by the fireplace. When word spread abu the miracle; the custom of putting... Read More
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