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Tag: e
Viewing 1 - 5 out of 566 Blogs.
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Reflections Rise and greet the day Coffee cup in your hand Birds chirping their song Breakfast goodies on a tray Peaceful early moments Soon will disappear As the world reaches in Framed in dissonance Voices with much to say Pushing back the years Forgotten this vision Heading the wrong way Think back to beginning Of when we were we And we were free Listen to the singing What was supposed to be When we... Read More
I thought I would repost this poem from the poetry group that used to be. Drifting Drifting in this zone Feeling so alone My searching the clue Looking everywhere for you In the morning and night Beyond the sight What is it that's real I don't know how to feel Lost is what's dear World quite unclear Clouded over no sun I'm coming really undone ... Read More
Happy Valentine's Day, my sweet friends! Your kindness and love makes my life beautiful.Wishing you a Valentine's Day filled withlove, laughter, and happiness!True friendship is a treasure, and I'm so lucky to have you. I love you my precious friend..Stay safe always and God bless you.Hugs and Kisses,Grace ... Read More
Sometimes There is no reason No matter what the season In times Finding the way For what you want to say It goes To where to find Remember to be kind For only guidance for you Is to be true With the stars above Always share love For where the time goes No one really knows And all the while Open many smiles Greg 12-9-2024 ... Read More
₍✿') I know, I know that it matters HERE and NOW!...and yet the fall melancholy appears, savored with hot spite of everything, in spite and in spite!.... My dears, it's not sadness, it's nostalgia,this is it - my nostalgia ♥') HEY! (₍✿✿') AUTUMN NOSTALGIAFor a moment from the past, when I spend a lonely evening like this again, I havetypical autumn nostalgia, but then I look at the photo of us togetherPhoto and I think of you. I think of the times we spent togethe... Read More
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