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Tag: eve
Viewing 1 - 5 out of 7 Blogs.
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I am a widow who lives alone... except for two pet squirrels and two dogs. Recently, I had (I am from Texas) a new neighbor move in down the block. He is from New York. His first introduction to my house is another story altogether. Let's just say it was a rough start. I was in the hospital the first time he came here. It was even rougher when he tried to kill Oscar, my pet squirrel. Most of my followers know Oscar now so I won't go into his story. Let's just say Oscar and his wife Grammy liv... Read More
Oct 28 “Your Compassionate Heart, Papa” Papa it was a kinda trying day in some respects today. Thank You for “being here” for me and making all things work together for good like You always do. You are Faithful. I have a thankful heart tonight for You Papa. You are my shoulder to cry on, to lean on, to sustain me, to be my shelter in storms, my rock in a weary land. When some cause hurt, You bring another alongside to comfort with kindness. You see my tears, You see my smiles. You are so... Read More
Oct 21, 2016 “Time, Papa”Posted on October 21, 2016 by parousiaperspectives Oct 21 “Time, Papa” Here it is another weekend Papa. It seems like the last one just came. I wonder how earth time looks to You Papa? Your Word says a day is a thousand years and a thousand years is like a day. I guess You’ve heard all the speculations of man about how long it took YOU to create our world. I know You c... Read More
Oct 20 PapaGod n Jesus Heart "Believe My Love For You Above ALL things Beloved" Did I not Come, Live, Die, Aris for you? Yes and ALL things I have done for you are available to you Beloved, Because I gave My very Life for you. Will you Believe My Word & My Life & Love for you ABOVE ALL else? Yes, I Loved you with My very Life. I laid it down for Love of your Love. Do Not let anything or anyone separate US, or make them God above ME. NOTHING can separate you from My Love for you. Do you B... Read More
It was Christmas eve 1956, in a little town called Shelby Ohio. A small 1950's town when times were good, streets were safe, crime real crime not heard of very often, town population around 8,000 people. I was nine years old and my little sister cathy was 6 and my big brother 14. We lived in the downstairs of an old victorian house, our rent 19 dollars a month. of course minimum wage then was $1 per hour , Familys were close. I had so many cousins o... Read More
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