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Tag: to
Viewing 1 - 5 out of 67 Blogs.
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While I did recently upload a couple of new pictures to my Gallery, I really hadn't looked at what else I have in there for some time! So I just now decided to go through the pictures and delete some. Do you ever do that? Wow...I didn't realize how many photos I've uploaded over the years. Another reason I was looking at my Gallery was that someone asked if my new Sig tag was 'my cats'. No...if you look closely, you'll see (in the upper right corner) the name of t... Read More
For me, last week was quite a week of celebration. It wasn’t a personal celebration, but a global recognition of Elizabeth, the reigning queen of Britain and the Commonwealth. Can you imagine that it is seventy years of commitment to a life of service that began at a very young age when her father died in February 1952, Elizabeth—then 25 years old—became queen regnant of seven independent Commonwealth countries: the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Pakistan, an... Read More
While watching the news this evening, it gave me an idea for a new blog from me. I do enjoy writing but the last couple of months have been filled with ‘other things’, and my list of ‘no-no’ topics that won’t be entertained by me is getting longer. I try not to be a ‘negative’ person. There is too much of that these days.Back to the news this evening… a town in the northern part of our province has announced that the last pay telephone in town will be retired, because it had only... Read More
It is hard for me to realize that March is almost finished... at least in our part of this world. We did get a taste of Spring somewhat early but that’s gone now. The temperatures have been in the mid 50*F and we are now told to prepare for a coming snow ‘blizzard’ after the expected balmy weekend. I give up! I have enough to tend to without worrying about what kind of weather is coming or going. If you have read my last blog (dated March 10th), you will know that I planned to let... Read More
Is it my turn to write a blog this week? It has been a busy time in my “office”, phone conversations, text messages, and email ‘letters’, updating my contact list, and remembering to save all the info that I’ve been receiving. My title this week may be a bit confusing, so let me fill in some blanks. This story started many years ago, on a sunny day in the late summer. A large group of young ladies, most who had just graduated from high school, had received notice of the anticipated ev... Read More
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