Last week I noticed that I was receiving more than a few notifications that a number of people had visited my Noth page and realized I had been chosen as a Featured Member. I received so many congratulations which are more deserved by the artist who designed my particular background than myself.
My friends here know that I haven’t been nearly as active at Noth for the last almost two years as I once was since that tragic event in my life, the loss of my dear husband. It was the 10th of April 2011 that he left me to continue on my own. This loss has created what I describe as a big hole in my life which I am still having trouble trying to fill. This is as a result of having been quite dependent on someone who thought his main purpose in life was doing things and caring for others.
Earlier this morning I was thinking, it’s the start of another day which I have to get through, the hours will pass and it will be afternoon and then evening and once again time to lay my head down for another night’s rest. And so on it goes. It’s not a very positive way to think I am sure you will agree but wait a moment.
Outside the sun is shining which is naturally a very positive thing and as I often have to do, I decided that I will make something positive of this day. I’ve already been outside walking the little doggy I am looking after for a friend. Later I will go to my neighbor’s to pick up her shopping list as she cannot get out to do it herself. Who knows what will happen or who I will cross paths with today. One thing I do know is that one always has to be open to these events or encounters. I could go out with a frown on my face but I think will try smiling for myself but also to see if I can brighten up someone else’s day, if only just a bit.
Oh and to everyone who sent me congrats, I thank you.
Have a nice day, evening or whatever.