Hello all of my fellow Hill Members.
I wanted to share a few thoughts I have to explain my
actions on whether to accept a friends request or not.
I have chosen the blog section as a bulletin would only be seen by my existing friends only and a blog allows you to reach out to all.
I have received quite a few new friends request from members
who have several different account here on The Hill.
Know, I love having friends, and especially new friends which affords
me the opportunity to get to know more of my fellow
member here on The Hill.
After all, isn't that what a social site is all about?
But, you knew there was going to be one, LOL,
I was diagnosed a year ago with macular degeneration
which has made it difficult to see as well as I once could.
I have not been designing as much as I once did or making
graphics due to this new problem.
I have found I find it difficult to see all the beautiful graphics
and layouts
everyone has worked so hard to design and share.
I hate this fact so much, due to how much I love graphic design,
that I can no longer accept multiple friends request
from the same member.
I feel fortunate that there are so many wonderful
designers on The Hill that love graphic design
and layouts just as I always have, but, when I can't make them out,
well, there lies the problem.
I want everyone to know I love having friends, the more the merrier, but with my eye condition I can only handle one friends account
per member.
Please do not think me unkind or have a problem with anyone because I do not accept
a second or third friendship from anyone, note that it is just my eyesight and I am very proud to have you as a friend, just one of you at a time however, LOL.
Thanks for allowing me to explain myself and my actions
and know I appreciate all of you
and if you wish to have a friendship with me I would love that
but let's just do one at a time and pray that there will be
some kind of cure for this in the near future.
I would love to get back into the game of design.
Tags: Duplicate Accounts