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The perils of Daylight Saving Time
Posted On 03/12/2022 14:34:24 by momtocam

This weekend marks the least favorite time of year for me. Can you say TIRED? The bags sure to come under my eyes may go away by the time we do this again in November…but, at least by then, I can catch that lost hour. Time will tell.

I prefer to call it Daylight Insanity Time. It messes with our internal clock no doubt. Everyone’s schedule is different, so let me count the various states of mind that come with this delusional day on the calendar. Confused and fatigued are two that seemingly linger till November. I’ve often thought about that old adage of cutting off the bottom of a blanket, only to sew it back to the top of the same blanket. The blanket, folks… is still the same size.

The very worst element of DST is that it’s bad for your health. According to several sleep experts, the number of traffic accidents and industrial mishaps increase on the Monday after we (spring forward). Losing even a single hour of sleep over the weekend makes a lot of folks drowsier -on what I call *Black Monday*.

Daylight Saving Time was originally instituted  in the United States during World War 1 and World War II….in order to take advantage of longer daylight hours and save energy for the war production. Now you know.

So folks, unless you live in Arizona or Hawaii, none of this silliness is needed. Ironically, my in-laws live in Phoenix, so I always have to keep a mental note of the time difference between me and them. I should be use to it by now, but my internal clock digresses.

Given the technology-driven …(always on society) we live in, DST, to me, serves no purpose. It certainly messes with schedules, and can ultimately lead to missed flights, connections, pilot error…well…you get my drift.

For what it’s worth, write your local and federal officials and tell them this insanity needs to end. Don’t hold your breath.

Your brain and body will surely thank you. In the meantime, I’ll keep dreaming that lost hour of sleep returns to me sooner than later.

Tags: #sleep#yawn#spr Ingforward#hour


Viewing 1 - 4 out of 4 Comments

03/13/2022 13:03:06

There is a big push to eliminate DST in just about every state. Maybe somewhere along the line our government will listen.

03/13/2022 12:09:57

My one deer vs. car accident happened on a 2009 Monday following "spring forward." I used to leave home at 6:30 to get to work (high school teacher) by 7:10 am. Being a commuter who used country roads (45 mph), I always watched out for animals and had never hit one in 14 yrs. The deer actually hit my car--it smacked the driver side of my car, denting the two doors and back quarter panel and leaving tufts of fur in the car handles. I felt horrible though I never saw its body; it must have bounded off into the landscape somewhere to pass. DST is definitely a WST (waste of time)!

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