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Have you seen Mayberry Man?
Posted On 06/24/2022 18:48:03 by momtocam
Life growing up in the 60’s and 70’s was quite unique. More often than ever, I find myself reminiscing about the good old days. There was a lot of fun, family based television shows to choose from. Fast forward to current times, my television isn’t even on unless the hubby is home. I prefer the quiet solitude of silence … or reading a good book.

A few days ago my twin sister shared with me her discovery of a movie that was apparently released last year. It is now available on Amazon Prime, and soon will be at your reach via DVD.

For those of us who remember this date - October 3, 1960, it was the debut of the Andy Griffith show.  This movie captures the iconic spirit of the classic show we all remember, and that many of us still watch in syndication. The result is “Mayberry Man”, much of which was filmed in Central Indiana and Mt Airy NC during Mayberry Days. The feature length movie centers on character Chris Stone, who’s an insufferable movie star and fictional son of guest actor on The Andy Griffith Show. He gets caught speeding and is sentenced to represent his father at the fictional Mayberry Festival in Mayberry, NC…, an experiment that mortifies him.

There are children of some of the actors from the original show that are behind this new movie. Of course, they are grown up now. The executive producer is Dixie Griffith, daughter of legendary actor Andy Griffith.

It’s the perfect setting to tell the modern- day, family-friendly stories that express the virtues of the fictitious town of Mayberry that we grew up with, and we still love. I know I still do.

What started out as an independent film, it’s taken off well. Look for Mayberry Man the series to debut sometime in 2023.

I’ll be waiting.

Tags: #AndyGriffith#M TAiry#daysgoneb Y#


Viewing 1 - 3 out of 3 Comments

07/06/2022 12:25:43

My husband might like that; but we don't do "streaming", lol. He does watch a lot of the Andy Griffith reruns.

06/25/2022 04:53:41

Awesome! I will look for this movie. I love the Andy Griffith Show. Catch the reruns still.

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