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Computer or something else??
Posted On 07/04/2022 10:20:42 by Altara33606

I saw a post on Facebook this morning that made me stop and think. The question was about "Predictive Text".

Well, I 'tried' the thing--which didn't work. I 'googled' it and learned that apparently this is ONLY for 'smartphones'--or maybe 'Android'!   That reminded me--so many people don't even 'use' a real computer anymore! That boggles my mind.   Not to mention: many people simply can't afford a Smartphone and feel lucky to even 'have' a simple computer!!

Even though our daughter recently gave us Smartphones this year, I do not plan on 'using' it in place of my computers! I mainly use it for phone calls/text. And since she also gave me a Fitbit, it's 'attached' to the phone. 

Oh, occasionally, I will 'check' FB--when the phone 'beeps' to let me know I have a new post to see (though I mostly ignore that)--or turn on the Police Scanner app (I only have those apps on 'Android'--iPad and phone & I usually listen on the iPad). 

But for everything else--and especially when I'm playing with 'graphics' or working on my NOTH pages-- I use my laptop.  So that's why I just posted a Poll.  I 'added' Tablet, but I don't know if anyone uses that anymore, which is why I made it a separate choice. I had one years ago, before the iPad.

 I do know  at least one person here who only uses Android and therefore has problems 'seeing' some things here (videos that anyone posts here on their pages). For me, it's best to use a 'real computer' which I can rely on for everything--especially when working on my NOTH pages. But, I was curious about what others prefer!


Viewing 1 - 3 out of 3 Comments

07/05/2022 13:52:55

I use my iPad for surfing the net..my android for weather, other quick app alerts, etc. if we had a spare room here, I would love to have an office with a desktop. Currently, half of our small den is my husband's home office..he has two laptops and a desktop .

07/05/2022 08:45:10

I occasionally check Facebook from my phone as well. But most of my "computer" work is done on a computer which for me is still my desktop one. Smartphones are truly mini computers. I do search a lot of things on it but mostly like you for texts and phone calls. Personally I prefer phone calls but try convincing your kids and grankids that lol.

07/04/2022 13:38:46

I have an android cellphone and tablet  I had bought a year  ago.   Like you my dear Altara,  I'm comfortable using my  new computer especially writing on my page in NOTH. 

Happy 4th of July to you and to all my American friends. 

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