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Posted On 08/14/2022 08:40:01 by Altara33606

As I said in a recent Poll, I do remember most of my dreams. And yes, I often dream in 'color'.  If you did, you'd remember that for sure! Or at least, that's my opinion. My mom used to say she never dreamed; we now know that 'everyone' dreams; but you may not 'remember' the dreams. According to science, you actually need REM sleep--the sleep state where you dream. And I recently read where you can actually dram when not in 'REM' state. 

For many years I've awakened at least once for a 'bathroom break'.  In recent years, that's become at least three,  especially since my major surgery in 2020.  And that means I might have several dreams. It seems that every time I wake up, I remember a dream; two nights ago it was three--though once I was completely awake for the day, I only clearly remembered things from two of them. Sometimes, I don't remember much, other than to know that I did have a dream.

Last night, I only woke up twice, so I remember two dreams. The first one was about my sister being hurt when we were kids; and no, that never actually happened! It was a complete scene--including 'color'--which I don't want to think about.  The second one was incomprehensible: something about a lot of 'numbers'. It didn't make any sense at all.  But that's how it goes at times.  

Over the years, I've dreamed about many family members. A number of them were deceased family. Most of those 'seemed' like they were still with us. The very first one of those that I remember was just after my grandfather passed; it was if he was 'coming back'--and no, I didn't want that, since it was as a zombie! But subconsciously, I was probably wishing to have him back.  So yes, that one was kind of a nightmare. But that was the only one like that--that I can recall. And yes, some of my dreams have been 'nightmarish'; but usually I don't remember much about those--just that they weren't "good" dreams.

Some say that dreaming about deceased relatives is them 'visiting' us.  While it's a comforting thought, I can't say I believe that. But I won't say it's not possible. Who knows?


Viewing 1 - 2 out of 2 Comments

09/14/2022 22:15:47

I remember when I was younger, having the same dream over and over but could only go so far - it wasn't a good dream either.  I used to remember it but not aymore and not for a long time.  Today I don't have any dreams that I remember but since I take a sleeping pill, it would take a bomb going off to waken me.  Therefore I don't remember any dreams.  Pleasant dreams !

08/15/2022 05:18:13

I sometimes remember my dreams. Since I had surgery also in 2020 I remember them when I wake for the break in the middle of the night. Sometimes the dream is like a tv show with characters from the shows. I do dream of my lost realtives and many times of my wife who passed away some years ago.

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